Marvel Studios' Iron Man 2 2010

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I just finally watched Iron Man 2. It continues on with the first Iron Man. 

With the world now aware that he is Iron Man, billionaire inventor Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) faces pressure from all sides to share his technology with the military. He is reluctant to divulge the secrets of his armored suit, fearing the information will fall into the wrong hands. With Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) and "Rhodey" Rhodes (Don Cheadle) by his side, Tony must forge new alliances and confront a powerful new enemy. 

I thought it was good although it still annoy me that everyone knows he is Iron Man. I love Tony and Pepper together. He made her his CEO but at the end of the movie when she was scared for his life, she had decided to step down. 

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