Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 2016

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This takes place moments before A New Hope and makes me want to rewatch it. I think out of the two "A Star Wars Story" movies this one is the best. Although I did like to learn more about Hans Solo I just prefer this one better. They talk about the Rebellion and that this Rebellion ship is Rogue One. One thing I would have liked to see is if they could have had the Rebels from Star Wars Rebels in it. That would be cool and I think it is a shame that they are not in any more of the Star Wars. I still thought this movie was good without them because of how it leads into the next movie which is episode 4 A new hope, the first part of the original trilogy. Darth Vader was in it a little and I got super excited when R2-D2 and C-3P0 made a cameo at the end of the movie. Where they are I know the planet to be the planet of two suns. 

I have already done a review for A New Hope after when I first watch it but I do plan on editing that review with the second time I watch it. 

Happy New Year and may the force be with you in this new year!

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