African Cats 2011 (Disney Nature) Narrated by Samuel L. Jackson

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I first saw African Cats on my first date with Charles who I call Jerkface. The money for the tickets went to saven the savanna. I watched it again today with my parents when we got back from my Grandma's house. We had a funeral for my Grandpa today. I loved the lions and cheetahs. Shadow, my black cat kept watching the computer screan at the cats. I thought it was funny and cute. He kept going onto the computer desk so my mom had to keep grabing him off and into her lap. My mom thinks the lions look ugly. The male lions that is because of their maine.She doesn't like cats with long hair. It was funny seeing the crocudilla being afraid of a lion and going back into the water. I love the kittens. Of course there was elephents. I was like "See the elephants made a cameo in this. I met when they were trying to figure out what animal they want to do next they thought of this movie and decided to give Elephants their own movie." I thought it was going to be my mom's favorite Disney Nature movie but I guess not. She have seen the Monkey Kindom and Chimpanzees ones. I forgt which one of those were her favorite. We really liked the narrater in one of those movies but we forgot who. We will see what movie we wil watch for tomorrow. I defiantly recommand watching this if you love cats and want to learn about them. I would love to go to Kenya someday to see these beautiful creatures in real life. There was also words at the end which was funny. 

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