Wings of life 2011 (Disney Nature) Narrator Meryl Streep

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Filmaker Louis Schwarzberg examines how the Earth's food chain depends on bees, hummingbirds, bats, and other creatures. I thought Meryl Streep did a good job being the voice of the flowers. When I was at Salem State I was involved in MASSPIRG and one of the campaigns we worked on was Save the bees. Education the campus on the importance of bees and trying to get rid of pesticides. Which is a poison to bees. Without bees there would be no honey, no flowers, no chocolate. no coffee. Nothing everything we have is because of Bees including pizza. I heard we would die soon after the last bee dies. 

In this Disney Nature movie I learned that skunks eat bees but luckily bees can sting back. Skunks are stupid lol. I also found out the reason why Monarch Butterflies are poison to bugs and animals that eat them because those butterflies eat Milkweed. Sadly there's not that many milkweed around anymore so those butterflies have disappeared. I would love to have a house so I can plant flowers, plants, and trees in my back yard including milkweed to help the butterflies out. I want to be more environmentally friendly.  

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