Disney's Star Vs. the forces of evil 2015-2019 (Disney XD)

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I loved Star Vs. the forces of evil and would watch it again even though there were obviously a few problems with it. Some problems I noticed on my own and others I realized after watching this video and did some critical thinking of each point he made. He made a lot of good points and I can see how the first 2 seasons were the best seasons and the last 2 seasons was when this show fell from Grace. It originally was on Disney Channel and I have seen some episodes when it was on but then was moved to Disney XD so after a certain point I haven't been able to because I would only watch Disney Channel. Gravity Falls and Phineas Ferb did the samething too but at least with those shows I have seen more episodes including the series finale. I remember while watching this show again on Disney+ after a certain point I didn't remember the episodes and I wasn't able to see the series finale when it was on. I heard about it and that Starcco got together which I was happy about. Now that I have Disney+ I wanted to make sure I watch this show from beginning to end so I will know what exactly happen. Now I really like how this guy structured everything he wanted to talk about and again he had really good points that really open my minds to the problems I didn't think of while I was watching it. The plot of the show is really good. Especially the first 2 seasons with the balance of story and filler episodes. 

The first antagonist he talked about was Toffee. There was a build up of this antagonist for the first 2 seasons. I thought his character was really interesting and as this gut went on he said he was the only antagonist that was actually in the right as we find out in the series finale but he was killed by Star at the end of season 2. There was some mention to him in seasons 3 and 4 making you think that he will come back but he never did. I thought the fact that they mentioned him in a few episodes that he would be back and I was confused that he didn't. Ludus was also a major antagonist but he was more of a puppet for the real antagonist and throughout season 2 had some real character development. 

I liked what this guy said about the shipping and he made a lot of good points with that as well. I'm glad that on this show the shipping was a subplot and not the actual plot because all that action and storytelling we made the show very interesting and more entertaining then High School drama. The shipping was really well done in the first 2 seasons. There was Jarco which is Jackie and Marco. It was a clichie with the teenage crush but the way the show done it was really well done. They did a great build up with how he been crushing on Jackie since they were little and have a plan on how he can get with her. This is something a lot of people can relate to. This ship progressive was really good. There was an episode where he had to confess of having a crush on her and what he said about wanting to get to know  her was a really good touch. That's how a lot of crushes are form by the want of wanting to get to know that person. That's how I was when I started to have a crush on Josh. Jackie response to it was really realistic too. She doesn't fall head over heals in love with him but she doesn't reject him either. She was unsure which was a very realistic response in that situation. She was respectful to him about it too and didn't make fun of him for it. When they finally got together we saw them really happy and we get to learn more about Jackie which in the beginning wasn't an interesting character. Her character developed more and she gotten more of a personality. They kept each other centered with how different they both are. 

Another ship was Starco. Star and Marco which was the endgame ship and a lot of fans were into that including myself but how the writers went about it felt rushed.  They are the two main protagonists so of course everyone wants them to be together.  They were really good in the first 2 seasons and as he said they would have worked as a couple but there were problems which he get into in the second section. The main problem I had with it was with the blood moon curse nonsense that caused a lot of problems for the canon. The Blood moon directly interfered with Jarco's relationship.  And it was something neither Marco or Star really wanted. 

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