Wicked Tuna Outer Banks 2014-2019 (National Geographic)

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I only watched the first episode for a few minutes before I decided I didn't like it and stop watching it to move on to something else. When bluefin tuna season ends in Gloucester, Massachusetts, it's just beginning in North Carolina's Outer Banks, a perfect opportunity to pit North Vs. Sorth in a pro fisherman contest for the ocean's most lucrative prey. Venturing south are the best crews from Gloucester to take on top local fleets in the treacherous Outer Banks, where the weather is more unpredictable than up north, and the seas can be extremely rough. The Gloucester rod-and reel vets must master 'greensticking' -trolling artificial squid from a 30-foot fiberglass pole to lure the elusive species to the surface. Top-dollar bluefin can be worth as much as $20,000 each, but a short season and small government catch quota means explosive rivalries surface quickly. So it's about fishing. Now I know that fishing is a fun activity for father and son and I have fish back in high school in my Environmental shop. Now that I have gotten into Veganism (I'm not vegan right now just trying to learn more and seeing what I can do) I learned more about the fishing industry and how terrible it is for the fishes and for our health. I have never been interested in eating fish. I always thought that was gross. I still wanted to check this out so I can do a review. 

From what I saw of it I thought it was stupid until I got to where there were words. It mentions how this fish is decreasing in population and yet they still doing this. That got me upset and I stop watching it. We don't ever think about our impact something like fishing cause in the ocean and to the fishes. We are literally driving different species to extinction and that's not right. It was cool though that they were in Gloucester.  

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