Beauty and the Beast 1991 (Disney)

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This was my favorite song from the original. It was beautiful and romantic. If you don't know me then you should know I am a huge romantic and loves these kind of scenes. 

It is truly a tale as old as time when a girl falls in love with a beast and it shows that what's on the inside is just as important as what's on the outside. Beauty and the Beast originally came from a French fairy tale "Le Belle et la Bete" by French novelist Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve and published in 1780. I actually have seen the movie that is more with that version and I can see some similarities of where Disney got from. Of course there was a lot of differences too. I do prefer the Disney version though when it comes to this case. Belle means Beauty in French. She is suppose to be the most beautiful woman in her small town according to Gaston who wants to marry her. He as well as everyone else in that town thought it was odd that she likes to read and you will always see her face in a book. She is also the only one in the town who is wearing blue which I guess shows how different she is to everyone. Her father is name Maurice and he is known to be a "crazy inventor." When he didn't get back, Belle went off to look for him. She got to the castle and found her father and made a trade with the beast for her to stay there instead and to let her father go. Now I have seen this movie so many times. I believe I have it on DVD plus it was on a lot on Disney Channel and Freeform. I had also wrote a fanfict of Beauty and the Beast. Now I used a lot of theories I have heard for the fanfict. There was one theory I heard that I hate it so much I didn't really use that in my story. I mentioned it but just to mentioned it that it was a theory and I don't agree with it. The theory is that Belle has Stockholm syndrome. 

Stockholm Syndrome is a condition which causes hostages to develop a psychological alliance with their captors during captivity. This term was first used by the media in 1973 when four hostages were taking during a bank robbery in Stockholm, Sweden. 

Now I do get why some people would think that but at the same time I don't believe that is the case. Of course Disney did a better job of showing actual connection and love between them in the life action remake which I will do a review on later but I still think there was actual love between them. Watching it I could tell that the Beast would feel bad for how he was treated her and losing his temper. From my interpretation he just never learned how to treat someone respectfully. He had also was turned into a beast so that could make him feel really angry too. I also really love all the enchanted objects and the Be Our guest number. The songs that really annoyed me in this one was the "Gaston" song and the song at the end when the mob wants to kill the beast. These songs really annoyed me. I also was really annoyed with both Gaston and Lafou. And I was also a little annoyed with Maurice. 

I feel that the moment when Belle realized that the beast is a good guy was when he saved her from those wolves and she gotten him back to the caste and took care of him. I also loved the library scene and the song "Something there." We mustn't forget that this is a Disney animation movie which mean they can only show so much and it''s not fair to say that Belle has Stockholm Syndrome or that they fall in love to quickly within a couple of days. Now I feel that they did and that's why I do prefer the life action one because there was more to their story and we learn so much from both of them and their connection was better. But the way I think, I think it was more then just a couple of days or even a week. I think this could be within months of getting to know each other but we just didn't see everything and how their relationship evolve. 

Also Josh and Best Buddies been trying to do this musical for a long time now. Of course Josh is the beast. No surprise there. I don't know when they will have the play or if they will have it at all. Josh told me that I am his Belle. I even showed him my prom dress and he told me that it looks like Belle's. I don't know if he feels like that still.   

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