Science Fair 2018 (National Geographic)

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Filmmakers follow nine high school students from around the globe as they compete at an international science fair. Facing off against 1,700 of the smartest teens from 78 countries, only one will be named best in Fair.

I thought this was so interesting and so inspiring. It was interesting to see everyone's background and what countries they are from. Who won from their category and who didn't. I like seeing where are they now and what kind of future they now have. I was in the science fair when I was in 6th grade. It was only my elementary school science fair and my project was a baking soda volcano which was an inspiration by a Disney show Phinease and Ferb. Hopefully I'll do a review on both the show and the movie. I won first place. I also spent a week in space camp the summer before 7th grade and I learned about NASA and outer space which I have always been interested in.  I remember I met this Asian girl Line (I don't remember how her name was spelled but I remember her name). We had become friends that week and she told me about her dreams. She was really into science and she told me how her future is plan out. I remember she wants to go to medical school and become a doctor. I wonder how she is now. We did exchanged numbers but never contacted each other after that week. This movie reminded me of her because this is the type of thing I would imagine her doing. Finding a cure for cancer or for the Zeka viras. 

When I was in 9th grade I took Biology which is my favorite science. I love learning about the human body and evolution and other things that has to do with Biology. Even though I was failing every test we had (I'm not a good test taker) I was still getting a B for my overall grade because I would go to class and do the work and I always did well on my homework with some help from my mom of course. I had to do a fun presentation on Mitosis and for that I wrote a song explaining on the stages of Mitosis. I had it on YouTube but I took it down later on because I did it outside of my house and Charles was in the video in the back. I gotten an A for that and then I had to do another presentation on genetic disorders. I decided to do a power point presentation on Down Syndrome because I was in Best Buddies and my Best Buddy at the time have Down Syndrome so it was an opportunity to learn more about it. It's fascinating and Mr. Clark really liked my presentation.  During the time we had to get ready for the MCAS, Mr. Clark passed out a sheet of paper with all the names of the Biology teachers. He told us to stay after school and meet with them. Have them sign it each time and that will add a 100 onto our grades. That's what I did. I would meeting with a different teacher everyday. Sometimes there would be two teachers meeting that same day after school so I would alternate each teacher every week. On top it off I was also staying after school for Biology MCAS tutoring. I was also making flash cards so I can study and add new information. I would also watch some Crash Course Biology videos. That was the first time I watched Crash Course. With all this hard work I passed the MCAS and not only that but I started to do better on my tests and I gotten an A for my overall grade in the last quoter and I was on the top 5 most improve students list in his class. I was proud of myself. 

I was also in Environmental Tech for my shop starting at the end of that year. In 10th grade I was in my high school science fair during my project on Jasmine flowers. It was my first time seeing Jasmine flowers. I had some in my shop and in my Chemistry classroom. In shop Said would help me with those flowers and when I wasn't there and I was in my academics, Mr. Andrewson would take care of them. I would take care of the flowers in my Chemistry classroom and when I was in my shop Mr. Peoletta would take care of them. I had to take notes on what's going on. Unfortunately I couldn't be in the actual science fair because by the time it was a lot of my flowers died. I was a part of the mini science fair just for my shop though so that was good. Also from that year to my senior year I was a part of the Envirothorn which is a state wide competition. My last year doing it my school won. I was also part of STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics thanks to Said for those three years. But as much as I am proud of my achievements when it comes to science I don't think I am that smart enough to be in that kind of Science Fair. I would love to but I don't think that would be possible for me. My subject is history. I am more into history then I am with Science. 

Because of all that I really enjoyed that documentary and I think that was really inspiring. 

I will talk more about everything I mentioned in my Educational Journey. It's available now on Wattpad but I plan on actually starting it in January when my classes at QCC starts. 

Another thing I didn't mention in here was when I was in college at Salem one of the campaigns I was in for MASSPIRG was Climate Change trying to educate people on it and try to make our environment better because Climate change is science and it is real. I had also take a class on Climate change too. 

A/N: I been watching Star Wars Rebels and right now I am at the end of season 2. I do plan on continuing it but decided to take a break to do other reviews. I wanted to try to watch all the Star Wars in chronological order by today when I saw Josh but because I am still behind we decided to go see Cats instead. BTW that movie was great and I did a review for that movie on my YouTube channel Jasdyer180. The next category I will do again is Disney. (I know I have done too many Disneys). The next movie I will review is Togo The untold true story.  

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