Frozen 2 2019 (Disney)

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This is a song from Frozen 2 and I think my favorite. It's haunting. It also kind of make me think of "How far can I go" from Moan with Elsa trying to ignore the voice but gave in and deciding she will go into the unknown. This set up a whole new adventure. 

I finally watched it. It came out in November and I would have gone and see it with Josh but "A beautiful day in the neighborhood" had also came out and we wanted to see that more. Mr. Rogers was our childhood. Then we could have gone see it in December but the new "Cats" movie came out and we wanted to see that more. I wasn't worried about it because I know it will come to Disney+. I finally watched it and guess what? I thought it was amazing. It's better then the first one. There was no song that was annoying like with the first one with the song "Love s an open door." There was no annoying characters either and I really like seeing more of a transformation Elsa went through. We can actually see her feeling more free but the end of the movie with her hair down. I teared up at the end. Kristoff also asked Anna to marry him and instead of Elsa being the Queen...Anna becomes queen and Elsa stayed in the forest. I loved this and I'm glad I saw it. I really loved all the songs and the story. I don't think there will be a Frozen 3 but we will see. I would be surprised. I'm glad this movie explain why Elsa has magic. I also was really happy that in this, their mom actually talked and sang. In the first one we heard no words from the mom. Great movie! 

I also really love how this movie show a few dark themes that might be hard for children to understand. Like with the first movie showing Anxiety, this one shows more on depression, death, and grieve. Defiantly more of a mutual movie. 

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