Toy Story 2 1999 (Pixar)

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I feel that there is a lot of Star Wars influences in Toy Story 2. Of course that makes sense since there is Buzz Lightyear. Even though I loved the first one I do think this one is a little better because we get to meet new characters and because I have gotten into Star Wars and I have watched Returned of the Jedi I can pick up on that scene when Zerg told "Buzz" that he is his father and "Buzz" shouted on his knees "Nooooooooooooooooooo" just like that scene from that Star Wars movie when Darth Vader told Anakin. Which by the way out of the original trilogy is my second favorite movie. Anyways, back track it start off with Rex playing a Buzz Lightyear video game and Woody looking for his hat. Woody was suppose to go to Cow boys camp with Andy but because he was ripped a little he was shelved. There he saw Weasee who is a toy penguin with a squicer is broken. Woody had to rescue him from the yard sell and ended up being stolen by Al. Buzz and friends figured out who stole Woody and went out to rescue a friend. 

Woody being at Al's apartment met the roundup gang. Jessie the cowgirl, Bozeye the house, and Stinky Peat. Stinky Peat truly ends up being stinky because it turns out that he's the bad guy. Buzz and friends found themselves at Al's Toy barn and there we met the Barbies and we saw a whole bunch of other Buzz Lightyears. One of them ended up swishing with our Buzz and went with the friends. That's why I said "Buzz" earlier referring to that Buzz. They got to where Woody is and so did our Buzz. At first Woody liked the idea of going with his new found friends to the museum in Japan but then decided to leave with them after all. 

Jessie's story was sad as we learned why she has abandonment issues. There is also a theory that Jessie's owner Emily is Andy's mom. Maybe I might do a fanfict on Toy Story and play around with that. That song for the backstory was sad too. Woody had convinced Jessie to leave with him but then Stinky Peat showed his true colors and closed the vent. They were sent onto the airport. Buzz and friends saved Woody, Jessie, and Bozeye and Stinky Peat ended up with a little girl. Jessie was still trap in the case and was put on the airport so Woody and Buzz had to rescue her. When they did they went home and now Andy gotten new toys. 

Even though I knew Woody was with Boo Peep I wanted Woody to be with Jessie because he is a cowboy and she is a cowgirl. I didn't really like seeing in Toy Story 3 Jessie and Buzz being together. But you know what? Maybe I change my mind on that. I will review Toy Story 3 next.

You got a friend in me!    

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