Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series 2008-2014 (Cartoon Network)

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Hi everyone. I just finished watching all 6 seasons of the animated series of the Clone Wars. I had started watching but when I was in season 3 I had decided to watch the movie so I can get that out of the way. When I was watching the movie I realized that it was before the series. Now that I had finished the series I can tell you what I thought about it. In the first season I thought it was kind of boring with too much action. There was a few good episodes during that season but I didn't started to get into it until later on. I thought the episodes started to get really good. 

It was the first weekly TV series from Lucasfilm Animation chronicles the adventures of Anakin Skywalker, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi and other popular characters from the "Star Wars" universe during the violent Clone Wars, as dwindling numbers of Jedi knights struggle to restore peace.I really love getting to learn the Clones and meeting R2-D2. I really love the relationship between Anakin and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Ahsoka was my favorite character and I really loved their relationship. We got to learned and meet the Sith which is going to be in Star Wars episode 3 Revenge of the Sith which I will watch next. I'm glad I decided to watch this series instead of going straight into the next movie so I get to learned about the characters. I really like Anakin more in the animated series and movie then I did in episode 2 and I also loved his relationship with the senator. I love Yoda but not at first in this series. I felt that Obi-Wan was overrated. 

At the end of season 5 Ahsoka was flame for murdering jedis and while she was able to clear her name she never forgave the Jedi order for not believing her and I think she became to agree what some people think of the Jedis. How they are suppose to help keep the peace but really they are fighting in this war. She left and start a new path away from the Jedi knights. That was the last we saw her in the series and then season 6 with only 13 episodes was boring again. I really missed Ahsoka and Anakin wasn't as interesting without her. We also get to see a little bit of him going into the dark side but not realy. The last few episodes was about Yoda's journey about finding out his destiny and learning how to manifest consciousness after death. You also get to see how old Yoda was becoming with his white hair. I feel that the best seasons of this show was from season 2-season 5.

  Now I have heard there is going to be a season 7 and it's going to start streaming on Disney+ in February. At first I wasn't sure if they should have another season after all these years since it ended on Cartoon Network but after watching the whole series I feel like they could defiantly have a 7th season. Also I just watch this trailer for it and it got me excited because Ahoska is back. I didn't like that she wasn't in season 6 at all because she walked away but now I am so happy that she is going to be in season 7 and I will defiantly watch it when it's up. When I was reading more of her character I also found out that she is in Star Wars Rebels so now I can't wait to watch that animated series because I really want to see more of her. That might be a while though. I am trying to catch up before I might see the rise of SkyWalker with Josh next Saturday. That is if Plans A and B don't work out and we have to do Plan C. I been trying to do it in Chronological Order. Starting with Episode 1 the Phantom Menace, then episode 2 the Attack of the Clones. Then Star Wars animated movie and series take place in between episode 2 and 3. Next in Star Wars I will watch episode 3 revenge of the Sith. Then I believe Star Wars Rebels take place after that so it will be a while. Plus I also have to do reviews of other movies and TV shows on Disney+ so I don't know if I will make it in time of when the conclusion of the Skywalker saga. We may have to see. 

May the force be with you!   

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