Star Vs. the forces of evil season 5?

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There is a petition out there on for a season 5 or a movie special in the future. This is something I would be interested in because I would like to see how these two worlds are now that they are together and maybe a new conflict and what happen now since they don't have magic anymore. How are Star and Marco get these two worlds to bland together now that it's one big earth. I also would like to see actual development in Starco and see how they are as a couple since we only really knew them as best friends. I signed the petition and I encourage you all to sign too. It might not work like it didn't work for Girl Meets World but it just might. We don't know unless we try to get them to listen to us. I personally think it's stupid how Disney shows can only get maximum 4 seasons. That's how things get rush towards the end. Although they should have planned it out better but I still feel that we need a season 5 or a movie. 

This was the Starco moment we been waiting for. Now honesty I was really excited as I was watching this scene and I was getting really emotional because that's what I do. It's the ship I been waiting for to happen even though I did like seeing Star with Tom and Marco with Jackie. But I feel that this should have happen a lot sooner and they shouldn't have done the Blood Moon ball and curse story arc at all because it;s hard to know if a lot of the Starco moments are because of the Blood Moon curse or not. Also this scene felt kind of random too like Marco said. They should have helped with the evacuation and even Marco made a comment about that. I thought even though this moment of finally getting together was meant to be sweet, It was also really weird because of the pig goats and the point in the season when this finally happen. We waited this long, we should have at least waited until the series finale. Then that could have saved maybe a little of the series finale and their ship. 

This is the scene in the series finale of when Star destroy magic. Now I am ok with the idea of destroying magic but at the same time I can also see how this was a random solution since Star never had a problem with magic before. I did love seeing all the past queens with Star, Moon, Eclpsa, and the baby. It gave some closure between Eclipsa and her mother that I like. I didn't like how Mena was killed off by a corrupt unicorn. That's how she died which seemed too easy and yet Moon didn't let Eclipsa to use the spell with no name to kill her. I do love the moment when Star had decided to not go back home and stayed in the realm and saw Marco, he didn't go back to earth. Seeing them holding together and Star said "With or without magic" and then Marco finished "We belong together." I loved that moment although I do feel like this is the moment where they should admit that they love each other. It would probably be more sweet or just leaving them as best friends. I feel that, that could go well too. That's why I really want a season 5 or a movie so we get to see more actual Starco moments that has nothing to do with the so called Blood Moon curse. 

I agree with this video with what the guy said about Moon. The moment when we found out that Moon was behind Mena that was when the series finale went wrong. It wasn't true to the character at all. And with magic being destroy doesn't make any sense that Ponyhead can still fly. This was suppose to be the "Happy ending". Also the way it ended it looked like there was suppose to be a season 5 but because Disney is Disney they only get 4 seasons. So much potential. All that's matter is Starco is together and no one cares about the other characters. Ignore the screams from both sides when the worlds came together. Again this is why I really want a season 5 so we can see the problems they might face with these two very different societies. 

These are Star moments from the show. She did also had to destroy her Wand at the end of season 1 to save Marco from Toffee. So I guess I shouldn't be surprise that in the series finale they would destroy magic. The Booth Buddies moment I don't think was one of the best moments of the series for Star. This was also really annoying because ones again it should that Marco doesn't have feelings for Star. And it was like they were forced to kiss plus we saw the Blood moon that makes it looks like the blood moon had anything to do with it. Also they seem like they didn't like that they kissed. 

This is the complete timeline of Star Vs. the force of evil. The rise and fall of magic. There need more. We need a season 5. Maybe someday I'll do a fanfict for Starco and fix that whole mess. I love timelines. 

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