The Last Jedi 2017 (Star Wars)

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I think what this guy says is a bit harsh. I don't think the Last Jedi was that bad. I do agree however that they did have some problems. While I did enjoy this movie as a whole there was a couple of things that bother me. One of the movies this guy refer to was A New Hope. Luke was the new hope but when you see him in this movie when Ray gave him back his light sable he throw it behind him. Like if he doesn't care. He wasn't the opportunistic Luke Skywalker we know. I liked that we get to know more about Ben and Luke's big mistake in what happen with him. It just didn't make any sense that he would be living all alone like a humit. Then at the end of the movie I guess he died. I didn't understand that at all. I saw that he disappear and there was fire. It totally went over my head until he said that he died. I was like what? That makes no sense because what about the rise of skywalker? I haven't seen it yet and I plan on watching it finally next but if Luke is dead then why is it called The rise of skywalker? That's going to bother me until I see the movie. Another movie he compared with this movie was Empire Strikes back. Which by the way I agree with everyone that, that movie was the best one out of the original trilogy. It was epic and in Returned of the Jedi with another epic battle before Darth Vader died, he turned back to Anakin. Luke believed there was still good in him. While we see Ben struggle with the light and the dark side of the force, Luke never said that. I love Ray though because at least she did. Also the whole fight scene was kind of weird. It seemed liked Ben turned good after killing his master and was fighting along side Ray but then nothing was changed. I wouldn't go as far as to say this movie was a complete failure because again I really enjoyed it but it could have been better. I don't want to admit that it wasn't the best because of Disney now that Disney owns Star Wars. I love Disney but I can agree that this is not as great as the original trilogy. 

I'll be watching the Rise of Skywalker next. I hope it will be better. Now I am a little nervous. This is suppose to be the conclusion of the saga so it better have a satisfying ending.  I know I'll probably like it anyways but there are still different levels of interest I have. I plan on watching that Sunday instead of waiting until next Friday so I can get it over with since I been wanting to see it since it first came out in December.   

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