Solo: A Star Wars Story 2018

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Since there was a couple more things before A new hope I decided to back track to those movies. I wanted to watch Solo: A Star Wars Story on Disney+ but found out that it's not up yet. It will be up on July 9, 2020. So I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to watch it or not or if I would have to wait until July. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is up on Disney+ now. Luckily I found Solo on Netflix and I was able to watch it. I am still going to give you a review of the movie anyways since I was able to watch it now. 

Solo: A Star Wars Story is about a young Hans Solo. I think he would be in his teens during the movie to early 20's.It was cool seeing his background information. Something I didn't get from a new hope and glad that I decided to go back and watch this movie to learn more about Solo. He also meet his Wookie friend and it was cool how Solo can communicate with him and how old the Wookie is. He was also in love with a girl but it seems like she was working with the Sith. I thought this movie was interesting and I can't wait to watch Rogue One. 

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