Austin & Jessie & Ally All Star New Year (Crossover)

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The point of this book was to write reviews of every show and movie from all the categories from Disney+. The Categories are Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic. I have also done stuff that is also Star Wars but was on Cartoon Network originally and ABC. During earth week I even done reviews on a Disneynature movie everyday. Now I want to do something different. Disney Channel is known for their crossover episodes between their shows. Those crossover episodes I find very interesting seeing my favorite characters on each show interact with each other.  I have been watching Austin and Ally and ones when I watched part one of the crossover with Jessie I had to take a break and watched Jessie until I get to part 2 of the crossover episode. And now I am going to do a review on it. 

First here;s the best moments of Austin and Ally

This is one of the episodes of Jessie

It started on Austin and Ally when Trish tried to book Austin's concert at Time Square. His dream. She made a mistake but luckily it worked out. They missed the flight so they had to go on an adventure trying to get to New York from Miami, Florida. They got there and performed. 

On Jessie, Emma get excited that Austin is going to be at Time Square. Jessie took Emma to the performance. The Ross's met Austin, Ally, Trish, and Dez. Zuri somehow got stuck in the ball so they had to get her down making everyone to start the count down even though it wasn't time yet. The Ross's went back to their penthouse and the Austin and Ally and friends came the next day. They were amazed. Zuri had also wrote a poem for school. When Jessie tried to give them the songs that she have wrote, they looked through it. They didn't like all but one of the songs and it was "Imagine friends" by Zuri but they didn't know it was Zuri. They thought Jessie wrote it. When Jessie realized she didn't know what to do. They all went back to Miami and Austin and Ally practice the song with Jessie. 

Before Austin and Jessie performed the song she admitted that Zuri was the one who wrote the song. It made sense since Zuri is 8. They still did the song. I really enjoy this crossover and I love the song they did. Now it will be a while before I do the next crossover.  

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