Revenge of the Sith 2005 (Star Wars)

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I just watched Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith and I have to say it's the best Star Wars movie I have seen so far. I really enjoy it which took me by surprise since I never really cared about Star Wars before I gotten Disney+. Of course I'm only talking about the movies. Of course I did enjoy some episodes of the Clone Wars but I feel more comfortable in comparing that to another Star Wars show and that's why I only say that this movie is the best Star Wars movie I have seen so far. I am glad I had took the time to watch both the Clone Wars animated movie and series because in some episodes of the series we get to meet the Sith. It was a good introduction of the Sith brothers and gave me more of an understanding of the dark side. Revenge of the Sith would be part of the Clone Wars era. 

It has been three years since the Clone Wars begin. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) rescue Chancellor Palpatine (Ian McDiamid) from General Grievous, the commander of the droid armies, but Grievous escapes. Suspicions are raised within the Jedi Council concerning Chancellor Palpatine, with whom Anakin has formed a bond. Asked to spy on the chancellor, and full of bitterness toward the Jedi Council, Anakin embraces the Dark Side. 

This was also when Padme told Anakin that she's pregnant. Anakin started to have visions of Padme dying in childbirth and was afraid that this will happen which was one of the reasons why he gave into the dark side to stop her from dying. I really felt bad for Obi-Wan when he found out that Anakin is now Darth Vader and that he have to kill him. Seeing him fighting Anakin made me to cry because I could tell how much Obi-Wan loved him. He thought of Anakin as a brother. He left when Anakin had slip into the lava but he wasn't dead. He survived and during the time as Padme was giving birth to the twins Luke and Leia, Darth Vader was born because that was when the Sith put the Darth Vader suit on him. Now I know why he wheres that. When he heard that Padme died, he cried out. I felt bad for Anakin now Darth Vader because even though he had gave in to the dark side he still truly love her and this broke his heart. 

After when Padme gave birth she had named her son Luke and her daughter Leia then died. They decided to keep the babies safe is to separate them and bring them to places where the Sith could never find them. Obi-Wan gave Leia to a couple that been wanting to adopt a girl. Obi-Wan then took Luke somewhere and gave him to another couple but he will watch over him too. I can't wait to see what's next in Star Wars but I really felt bad for everyone and how it ended. It was terrible that Anakin had killed those Younglins. 

The next Star Wars I will be watching will be Star Wars Rebels. May the force be with it and I hope you all enjoy the rise of Skywalker coming out this Friday. I probably won't be caught up by then so I wouldn't be watching it in theaters. I still have a ways to go plus I do want to watch other things too and do reviews for them as well. 

The next category will be National Geographic and the next movie I will do a review on is Free Solo. 

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