The Lion King 1 1/2 2004 (Disney)

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The Lion King is still a classic but this movie takes that movie and give you a new pospective. It's in the eyes of Tomeon and Pumba. Starting when Tomeon was home with his meerkat family. He felt like he didn't belong. He decided to leave and met Rafiki, the wise monkey that we know know Simba and his father. Rafiki gave him advice about seeing beyond what he can see and thus began Tomeon's journey. He then met Pumba and together they found paradise. Then we saw the moment when they rescued Simba and took him in. We saw more of him growing up and as Tomeon and Pumba as more as his adopted parents. Hakunna Matanna. (I should seriously start saying that) it means no worries for the rest of your days. It really is a Swahilli word and it does mean "No problem." Then Nala came and she and Simba had reunited. Then the three friends broken up but Tomeon and Pumba became friends again and helped Simba take back his rightful place as king. We also saw Timeon's mom and Uncle again and they helped take down the Hyena's. At the end everyone was back in Paradise. I love this movie maybe a little bit more then the classic because we get to see more of Tomeon and Pumba and getting to know more about them. 

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