The Princess and the Frog 2009 (Disney) Emancipation Day

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History Moment: Emancipation Day is a holiday in Washing to D.C to mark the anniversary of the signing of the compensated Emancipation Act, which president Abraham Lincoln signed on April 16, 1862. It is annually held on April 16th which is today. And as a History buff I learned this and I decided to watch a movie that have to do with black history or black characters. I feel that these smaller holidays should be observe more and while it was sign to free the slaves most states didn't just free them until 2 years after when the Civil War ended. But when the war ended the message went slowly to get to everyone until June 19th when Texas finally free their slaves and that day became Juneteenth. I will watch something for that day too. 

When I first found out that there was going to be a black princess I was excited. I have always been into black history since I was little and all things African American. That's why I really observe MLK day by watching marathon of the movies I have that had to do with black history or movies that have great black actors. I had also started doing that the whole month of February for black history month. I have always prefer guys that are black or Latinos. That was something I had in common with Emma, although I feel her love for black guys was more unhealthy. 

When I first watched The Princess and the Frog I loved it. I loved the Jazz music and it being set in New Orleans. Of course it's about a princess who kissed a frog and turned him back into a prince and those kind of movies I have always been into. I love romance movies with happily ever after. But with this movie there was a twist. Instead of after when the Frog and the Princess kiss, the Frog turned back into a Prince. The Princess turned into a Frog and went on this adventure with him meeting new friends on the bouru and discovering what's really matters. She wasn't even a princess to begin with. She was just a girl with a dream to open a restaurant for her dad.She saved and worked on as a waitress. She had no interest of marring a prince. It was her white best friend with a rich daddy that dreamt of that and made a wish on a star. 

During their adventure both frogs fall in love and they got married. Because she married a prince and became a princess they kissed and became human again. They were able to open that restaurant and that was their happily ever after. I love the crocodile that wants to play Jazz with the big boys and I cried when Ray the fire fly died but now he can be with his Evengerlin which was so romantic and sweet. 

I had gone to Louisiana a couple of years ago when I was a third year at Salem State for Spring Break with Ashley and Interversity. We stayed at Baton Rouge for Habitat with Humanity but we were able to spend a few hours in New Orleans so I was able to explore around with oe of my best friends. We went into different stores including Hex which I wanted to check out because there is a Hex in Salem and I wanted to go to the one in New Orleans. Unfortunately it rain cats and dogs so we had to go inside and couldn't continue exploring. We also didn't have time to go to a museum. (Hopefully next time). We went into a mall upstairs and I gotten 2 slices of pizza. One for me and Ashley. I think I also bought the ice cream too. Ashley didn't bring in enough money with her but I didn't mind paying for her. I always look forward in treating my friends when I have money. The rain stop in time for us to get back to the bus. Going through New Orleans both ways I heard a lot of Jazz being played. I just loved it.  The city was alive but it wasn't as bad as New York and would be the only city I have been to that I would consider moving to. 

In The Princess and the Frog they also had different common New Orleans foods. Every afternoon after work we would go to another church to meet with everyone that was staying at that church. They would have dinner before they go into talking about a passage. One time they had gumbo which is a New Orleans dish. Not something I would like. I had a hard time eating that week because of how fussy I am but was happy when they had spaghetti. Which is obviously something you would get anywhere and came from Italy. I know I should try new things. On Wednesday of that day was a fun day. After we went to that church from our sites they had Crawfish which is another common dish but I didn't have any of it. I loved trying the Beignets. It was so good and like everybody else I kept going over there for more. After we were done eating there was a couple of people that was showing us how to dance a dance from New Orleans. It was really fun.

Then we all went to different places. We had to choose from going to a LSU game (Louisiana State University), going to the mall, or go see a movie at the movie theater. Me and Ashley choose to go see a movie. The chooses for the movie at the time we were going to see a movie was Black Panther and a Wrinkle in Time. I had already seen Black Panther with Rachel and Ashley had no interest in going to see that so we choose A wrinkle in time. Which I had to go see it again with Rachel when I got back because she wanted to see it. That was a great movie too and was a Disney movie so I'll do a review on that one of these days too. After the movie we walked around the outside of the mall with the group until it was time to go back on the bus because we still had time to kill. 

That was my Louisiana experience and now I enjoy watching The Princess and the Frog even more. I wish Disney+ was around back then. I wanted to The Princess and the Frog when I was done there. I couldn't find my DVD's in my DVD's I have. I know it's somewhere but I have too many DVDs so I couldn't find it. Maybe next time when I come back to Louisiana I'll watch this movie again.  When I was going into New Orleans I was listening to the soundtrack which was perfect.    

One thing I would love to experience when I am back in Louisiana is Mardi Gras. I heard on the news they still had it this year in spite COVID-19 and because of that so many people had gotten sick. I know it sucks but it is for our best interest with our health to stay home. I hope this will end soon and not last a long time. I heard this could end in 2022. I hope that's not true because I been trying to get a job and save up money. I got plans for my future and I just started a relationship with Arturo. We haven't went on our first date yet. We have been together for a month now.         

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