Ahsoka Tano spinoff series

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I have been watching Star Wars Speculation for a while now seeing his theories he might have and hearing about any Star Wars news he has. I have been watching Star Wars the clone wars season 7 on Friday and by the way it is getting better since now Ahsoka had come back. I loved her character from the Clone Wars and when she was on Star Wars Rebels. I have also heard from this channel that there is going to be a Star Wars Rebels Sequal and he speculate that it will focus on Ahsoka and Sabling search for Ezra through the unknown. He also mentioned that Ahsoka will have a small part in the Mandalarion season 2. I started watching the Mandalarion with Josh back in January but haven't finished it. Since Valentine's Day we haven't talked and I don't know when he will decide he want to talk to me again. Because of this I been putting that show on hold. I'll probably have to finish it by myself if I want to finish season 1 before season 2 comes out in November. Right now it's just going to be on hold until season 7 of the Clone Wars is done. Whenever I am able to talk to Josh again I will tell him he doesn't have to come out here anymore. I'm also really excited that this guy talks about the possibility of us getting a Ahsoka Tano Spinoff series on Disney+. I can't wait to see that. I love Ahsoka. I'll also have more videos from his channel talking about Ahsoka below. 

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