The Liberty Story 1957 (Disney)

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The Liberty Story. Walt Disney presents a combination live-action and animated drama of America's historical fight for freedom. Includes a segment from Johnny Tremain, depicting the Boston Tea Party and the battle at Concord, and is following by Ben and Me. 

I love history so it was cool to watch this and I learn more from it. Today is Loving Day and even though these stories that are depicted has nothing to do with today it is still about a fight for freedom. For the Loving's it was the fight for freedom to marry. You see in the late 1950's there was segregation and blacks and whites were not allowed to get married. Richard Loving a white man married his girlfriend Mildren who is a black woman in Washington D.C. They were from Virginia and it was against the law to marry there. That was why they left to D.C so they can get married. Virginia found out about this and the couple had to decide either to spend 5 years in jail or to leave Virginia and not allowed to come back together for 25 years.  They moved to D.C and had three children. Then from inspiration of watching Martin Luther King civil rights movement on the TV she made a call for Bobby Kennedy to help them with their case for equal marriage. They won and since then every civil cases of interracial marriage and gay marriage would look back on this historical case. I am so grateful for them because if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have been with a few of my boyfriends. My boyfriend now is Latino.

I figured this connect with today pretty well. I wonder when Johnny Tremain will come to Disney+ so I could do a review? I love that movie. I get excited when I learn about the Boston Tea Party. That is my favorite moment of the revolutionary war.  Ben and Me is about Ben Franklin of course. I love history. I'll probably do something for Juneteenth this year on June 19th. 

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