Drain Alcatraz 2017 (National Geographic)

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Using cutting edge visual effects to "drain" the waters around the notorious island of Alcatraz. With the waters drained away the secrets of Alcatraz are revealed, including exactly why the  island's infamous prison was so inescapable. With no water in the way the San Francisco Bay is revealed to be a fascinating and chaotic place. On the dry bay floor we see the scars left by epic earthquakes. These fault lines give scientists an idea as to when and where the next "big one" will strike. With the whole area drain it's possible to see what could happen to San Francisco when the next giants quack hits, as well as what will be left of Alcatraz ones the dust settles.

I thought it was interesting. I'm kind of fascinated by historical prisons and I would like to go there someday and see it in person. I have been to the Pennsylvania state penitentiary and I thought it was cool. I got really excited for seeing the death chambers where they had the death penalty. Yes I'm weird. That was before I decided to be against it but I still have a fascination about it. It's easier to go to Pennsylvania from where I am from. California is on the other side of the country. But I hope someday I get to go there and take lots of pictures and learn more.

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