Star Wars Resistance 2018-2019 (Disney)

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I thought this review explain the show well. I liked it although there were some parts I thought was annoying. I remember hearing about it on Disney Channel after when Star Wars Rebels ended. I remembered their voices and the names Kaz and BB8. It was the first time I first heard of BB8 and it gotten my first interest in Star Wars. But like Star Wars Rebels I never watched it when it was on. I would either change the channel or shut the TV off in my dorm room. I know if I would ever watch Star Wars I would want to start from the beginning. As this guy was saying Kaz is this show's Ahsoka and Ezra. Ahsoka is from the Clone Wars and Ezra is from Star Wars Rebels. I still think Star Wars Rebels is my favorite Star Wars show. This show is defiantly gear towards a younger audience and I think that's what makes it annoying. Nico is the most annoying character of all but he would be my favorite. I thought he was cute. I also felt like after when we first met the first older that it makes me think of the Trump administration. I feel like we are in the Star Wars universe under the first order. I thought  this show was okay and I do love how it ended. Too bad BB8 wasn't in that much of season 2. Only a couple of episodes.  I can't wait for the new Star Wars Rebels sequal series that is suppose to be coming to Disney+  soon.

May the first be with you and I'll be watching Force Awakens sometime this week by Friday!  

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