Finding Dory 2016 (Pixar)

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I have already seen Finding Dory a few times before. Of course not when it first came because we couldn't go to the drive in when it was out but I finally did saw it on DVD when I gotten it for Christmas that year. Now that I have Disney+ I rewatched it so I can do a review on it. I feel that this could be a stand alone movie meaning you don't need to see Finding Nemo to watch this. I feel this could be either a prequal or a sequal. A prequal because we get to see Dory as a little fish before she lost her parents and met Marlin and Nemo. You could watch this before you watch Finding Nemo or you could also watch Finding Nemo first and then Dory. It's good either way. Either way it could still be a good double feature or watching the movie by itself. 

One of the reasons why I enjoyed Finding Nemo was because Ellen DeGeneres was Dory the lovable, forgetful blue tang fish. My mom and I love Ellen. She been trying to get a sequal to Finding Nemo for a while after that movie came out and when we gotten Finding Dory I was excited.  With this movie it was about Dory remembering her parents and wanting to find them bringing them on this journey in finding them. We met new characters Hank the Octopus, Destiny the whale Shark who was Dory's pip pal, Bailey the Beluga who I guess has a power in seeing things, Becky the dumb bird that was very helpful, and of course Dory's long lost parents. This movie got me emotional when Dory was reunited by her parents. I also liked that there was fun facts in the movie like how Octopus's has three hearts. I think that's really cool. I loved this movie and obviously would watch it over and over again without getting sick of it. I think this movie is better then the first movie and I do plan on doing a review for Finding Nemo later on. 

The next category I am going to do is Marvel. The next movie review I plan on doing is Avengers: Endgame. Stay tune and don't forget "Just keep swimming." Words to live by. 

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