Toy Story 4 2019 (Pixar)

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I went to see it with my parents when it came out at the drive in last summer. When I first saw it I thought it was great and better then the other Toy Story movies. After watching all the movies again my opinion of the 4th one has changed. I still liked it and feel that it's the perfect ending of the Toy Story movies. (I don't believe there will be a 5th one). But I didn't like the beginning that much. I loved seeing the flashbacks of Andy growing up playing with his toys and see what happen to Bo Peep. It was exciting to see the Toys with Bonnie now that Andy had gone to college. After watching the third one I notice Bonnie was excited about Woody but for some reason in this one didn't have any interest in him. He would stay in the closet while she plays with the other toys. That I had a problem with. Woody was sweet when he went with her to Kindergarden and helped her in making a new toy. It was a spork named Forky and I thought he was cute. Woody had to keep telling him that he's not trash and explaining to him that he is a toy. The toys went on their last adventure together when Bonnie and her parents went on a road trip. Forky escaped and Woody had to get him. Woody ended up seeing a long lost friend Bo Peep. They all worked together in getting Forky back. The bad guy in this movie was a doll by the name of Gabby Gabby but as it turns out she just wanted a kid who would love her. That's why she wanted Woody's voice box and ones when she got it she used  it to get that girl Harmony to play with her. It was sad that the girl wasn't that interested in her. Woody wanted to bring her back with him to Bonnie. They made it to the carnival when Gabby Gabby noticed a lost girl scared. They helped her to her and it helped the little girl. 

Woody also realized that he doesn't want to go back with his friends and instead stayed with Bo Peep and become a lost toy with her. I'm happy for them to finally be together again. This is the big reason why I am okay now with Jessie and Buzz. I still really love the movie and thought it was heart warming but the first 2 movies are still the best and the third movie would be my least favorite. My next chapter I will do my top 10's on all the categories. 

To infinity

And beyond

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