Return of the Jedi 1982 (Star Wars)

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I actually have watched both return of the Jedi and the last Jedi before I watched Returned of the Jedi on Disney+. I think it was last year when my mom bought those movies on DVD because I wanted to try to be open minded to Star Wars but at the same time I was still kind of closed minded. When I first watched Return of the Jedi I thought it was boring up until the battle between Luke and Darth Vader. Yoda dies in this one too and I didn't really care about the character or any of the characters. Now that I have watched the prequels so now I know how Anakin came a jedi and then Darth Vader, I have watched the Clone Wars movie and series and because of that I really started to like Anakin, I watched Rebels so I knew more about the Rebellion and how heartbreaking it was for people who loved Anakin now that he is Darth Vader, I watched Solo: A Star Wars Story so I was able to know more about Hans Solo so I can care about him, and I watched Rogue One: A Star Wars Story so I'll know what happens moments before A new hope. Then I rewatched A New Hope and I enjoyed that a little more. I still hated how Obi-Won gotten killed but whatever. I really got into Empire Strikes Back and I loved the moment of when Darth Vader tells Luke that he is his father. We got to see a lot of Yoda and Obi-Won was still a part of it as a spirit guiding Luke. I was prepared to watched Returned of the Jedi again and now I actually really like it. I cared about all the characters and thought it was sad when Yoda dies. I was even sad when Darth Vader died because there was still good in him and for a moment he was Anakin again. It made me to tear up a little and that's how I know I actually cared about them. At the end we had saw Obi-Won and then Yoda and Anakin with them. I thought that was the perfect ending and the guy that is there to be Anakin for that scene looks like Anakin in the prequel movies. They did a good job casting so it could match the main movies. It was also reveal that Luke and Leia are twins. 

I really enjoyed it more then the first time I watched it. Next I'll be finally watching The Manderian since that happens in between this movie and the Force Awakens. 

May the Force be with you!    

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