The Sound of Music 1965 (Disney)

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I would probably consider The sound of music to be overrated because so many people loves it. I still enjoy it though. I love the songs and the story. This is one of my favorite songs from the musical when Maria was teaching the kids about songs. 

This is the opening scene for the sound of music. I think this was beautiful and it's also like the scene with Belle in Beauty and the Beast. 

A tuneful, heartwarming story, it is based on the real life story of the Von Trapp Family singers, One of the world's best-known concert groups in the era immediately preceding World War 2. Julie Andrews plays the role of Maria, the tomboyish postulantat an Austraian abbey who becomes a governess in the home of widowed naval captain with seven children, and brings a new love of life and music in to the home. 

I think that's amazing and I really love how Maria  and Captain Von Trapp finally got together and got married. I have seen this movie before but I never realized that this was based on a real life family. That makes me to like this movie even more. 

Disney+ reviewOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora