The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos 2008 (Disney Nature)

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Narrated by Mariella Frostrup

For some reason I do have this on DVD. I found it one time so I must have seen it but I don't remember it. It was kind of boring. Only thing I found interested was when there was words and it said Phoeni-cop-ter-us, The Latin name for flamingo, means "crimson wing."  "The flamingo is said to be the inspiration for the crimson-winged Phoenix, the ancient symbol of transformation and re-birth. At the end of its life, the Phoenix is consumed by fire. It is then reborn from the ashes." And at the end where it said "For twenty million years, flamingos have lived and migrated among the lakes of Africa. Many of these lakes, including Natron, are now under serious threat from pollution and development. How many more seasons of life and color do the flamingos have? And who will notice if they are gone forever?" Although then that the narrator was kind of boring and didn't talk that much during the movie. But we should still do something to protect the flamingos. 

I love flamingos though. Rachel gave me a flamingos mug and I have it in my room by my bed.   

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