Noelle 2019 (Christmas Disney movie)

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I wanted to watch this new Disney+ original Christmas movie with Josh today but he cant come here today or tomorrow because he's going to be busy. I will see him Saturday but we planned on going to see Cats at Blackstone shoppes so I decided to just watch this movie today when I first woke up. I really love this movie and it made me to tear up a little. It's about Santa Claus and his son Nick and daughter Noelle. Their father died a few months before Christmas and it was expected that Nick would be the next Santa Claus which put him under pressure and from the advice of his sister he left the North Pole to relax. Noelle realized that her advice wasn't good since her brother never came back from his break and everyone at the North Pole hated her. They decided to make her cousin Gabe Santa instead because they need a male Santa. Noelle left to look for her brother in time for Christmas. Meeting new people along the way. When she found him, he told her that he doesn't want to be Santa. She still tried to convinced him to try but then discover that she had inherited Santa Claus's power such as knowing different languages including sign language and knowing by just looking at the kid if the kid has been naughty or nice and what they want for Christmas. When they got back to the North Pole, Nick made a speech and decided his sister should be the next Santa Claus. It was rough for her trying to deliver presents but then when she got to the homeless shelter and accidentally woke everyone up the deaf girl sign "Merry Christmas Santa" and that made Noelle feel better and continued to deliver presents and go back to the houses she missed. This movie if filled with Joy and Christmas spirit and a great modern take on Santa Claus. 

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