Marvel's heros project 2019 (Black History Month) part 1

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Marvel celebrates the remarkable, positive changes several young heros are making in their own communities. 

The first episode was about Jordan Reeves, She only has one arm and with her differences she inspired other kids who are different too with her invention. She is also in cheer leading. 

Marvel made a comic book for her. You can find her comic book on the project hero website as well as other heros like her. 

The second episode was about Elijah Lee who's super power was empathy. 

Using Martin Luther King's inspiration he fight against Child abuse. He's only 11 years old. This little boy is an inspiration and it shows that no matter who we are or how old we are we can all still make a difference and be heros in our community. I love Martin Luther King and he is an inspiration to me too. 

I didn't know Kelly Clarkson has her own Talk show. I can't get over how Elijah talk. He is such an inspiration and I hope he does well with his upcoming march. I would love to participate in a march. If I could go to his march for Child abuse prevention, that would be amazing. I hope someday I get to run my own marches and inspire people just like all those great people he named and himself. 

This is one of his marches from last year. This is inspirational and you can tell MLK influence him by the way he speaks. He is like a modern day Martin Luther King. I love what he said about it doesn't matter how old you are you can still make a difference. I am 23 years old and sometimes I feel that I can't make a difference because no one would take me seriously. He is so inspirational and I will keep going at it to make a difference in my own community. This was perfect to watch for Black history month. 

The third episode is about a boy name Adonis Watt. 

He's blind but he still plays football on his high school team. He lost his eyesight at the age of 5.

This is his story

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