Disney+ Just removed all these movies

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Are you surprise? I am! I can't believe Disney+ actually removed these movies. I never watched any of the Home alone movies. Yeah I have seen some on Freeform when they are on but I never paid attention to them and always continue to watch whatever I am watching on my laptop. I thought Disney+ would be different then Netflix because everything that would be on their streaming site is own by Disney. I thought that I'll be able to watch the home alone movies sometime when I feel like it but I guess I'm not going to be able to. Disney+ only started steaming on November 12. It has only be around for almost 2 months now and already removing movies from their streaming site. It's really stupid and unbelievable. I am not the only one who is upset about this. They only gotten rid of the first 2 Home alone movies. Home alone 3 is still up but to me what's the point in watching that when I can't watch Home alone 1 and 2? It looks like I might have to get those movies on DVD if I will ever get to watch it. If they keep doing this then I just might unsubscribe to them. I love Disney and it's amazing to have a streaming site that is all things Disney. The fact they decided to remove some movies is really stupid. 

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