Annie 1999 (Disney)

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There are actually 3 versions on Annie. The original in 1982, the one from 1999, and the new remake in 2014. The one from 1999 is the Disney one and is the only one that is on Disney+. I don't think I ever saw the original. Just the 1999 one and the 2014 one with the black Annie. I love both versions and thought this is a heartwarming story about an orphan girl name Annie who wants to find her real parents but then was adopted my a bighearted billionaire Olivier Warbucks and she also take in a stray dog. I love the songs and the whole story. Kathy Bates played the mean Orphanage woman and I recognized the Professor from my CW shows as Mr. Warbucks. This is a good movie to watch for Christmas too because it is set on Christmas. 

I have also started watching the Kristen Bell show "Encore" where she gets people that did a play in high school for them to do an encore performance. The first episode was on Annie and that made me to want to watch the movie. I'll have to look for the 2014 one later. I have it somewhere. I might include that in my MLK marathon.  The next movie I will review in the Disney category will be Beauty and the Beast.   

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