the one with the plastic stick

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You meanwhile were back to sobbing into the phone having glanced at the positive test in your other hand again.

"Talk to me, y/n…. What's wrong?" Namjoon said as he got into the hired company vehicle, he gave the man your address and told him to hurry while you collected yourself enough to speak.

"I'm too young!" You whined and bawled again.

Namjoon spent the next 10 minutes trying to calm you down. Even while he was in the elevator going up to your floor. He hung up the call once outside your door. He opened it and called out for you.

"Y/n?" He yelled and all he got was an echoed sniffle in response. 

"Sis!" He called out and you called back.

"Joonie?" You sounded completely weak and distraught and he was afraid to see you as broken as you sounded.

When he found you sitting on your bathroom floor he had to swallow harshly. He had his suspicions already.

He instantly came to crouch down next to you and stroke your hair.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong-" he was cut off by you sliding the pregnancy test across the cold tiles to him. He eyed it for a long moment before realizing what it meant.

"You're pregnant?" He asked, looking you over as if he didnt believe you one bit. He was looking for physical signs.

"That's what it says." You mumbled coldly. He didn't take it to heart, you were completely freaking out from lots of emotions and he knew exactly why.

"It could just be a false positive. Did you take more than one-" you pointed to the bin that held 2 other positive pregnancy tests. 

"Hey, it's ok, lots of things can be done." He reassured, hugging you hesitantly.

"Joonie, what am I going to do?" You hiccuped and he sighed softly. 

"First let's get off your bathroom floor. How about we go sit on your bed?" He knew taking this step by step like a child would be the best thing to do for now.

"O-ok" you hiccuped again as tears still ran from your closed eyes. You opened your pretty glassy eyes to see him standing with his hand out to you and a pitiful smile on his face. You both got up and soon you were both sat on the side of your bed.

"Tell me why you're upset? Does Jungkook not want a baby? Wait it is Jungkook’s, right?" He assumed that you were over the whole 'I don't want to bring a baby into this world' but you were far from it. You reached out to hug your tall brother, he hugged back as you cried silently, nodding to him.

"Come on, tell me what's up, I'm here for you, I support whatever you want." He added and you held him close. He looked down at you sobbing horribly, it made him feel sick seeing you this distraught.

"I'm t-too young, I'm not married, Jungkook can’t raise a child, you're always away on tours! He’s too young, too! It will ruin my body. The world is a mess! There’s so much pollution and overpopulation, I don’t want a child growing up with that…” you trailed off after running out of breath, having not taken a breath between reasons. You swallowed as you waited for his reaction.

“So what do you want to do?” 

“I don’t know?” you questioned not only him but yourself in response.

“Do you know what Jungkook wants? It’s his kid too.” Namjoon asked quickly.

“We never talked about having kids…” you realised he had no clue that you don’t want a child yet.

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