Oikawa Tooru x Reader (requested by mqrinqcele)

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Hello Hello Hello! For this update, I am glad I can update this on time and hope for the same thing in the future. Hope you guys will enjoy this and have fun! 

Today is one of the days that you will meet your cousin, Oikawa Tooru. He wants to treat you because you helped him breaking up with his girlfriend. Actually, you guys are more than a cousin. You guys called it 'cousin in need with benefit'. You will be his girlfriend when he wants to break up with his girlfriend and he will be your boyfriend when you want to break up with your boyfriend. Sound complicated but, because of the closeness you guys have, no one ever suspected anything and both of you also have a different family name makes everything perfect.

"So, what you're going to treat me today? I want something expensive since that girl is really a bitch. How can you date a girl like that?" 
"What can I do? She wants me" you rolled your eyes at him.
"Iwa-chan will punch you in the face if he heard you right now" he closed your mouth immediately after you said that.
"Don't say his name. He will appear nowhere!" you laughed evilly to him while pulling his hand from your mouth. You waved your phone in front of him and that makes his eyes widen.

"You recorded it?!" you smirked at him.
"Nope. Just waving it" you laughed before running from him. Little did you know, there are four people watching you, well more like spying both of you since Oikawa waited at your school to take you.

Third-person pov

"Oi! Oi! Isn't that Oikawa from Seijoh?" a bald guy said.
"Great King?!" a certain orange hair guy said.
"That is (y/n), right?" the shortest among them asked.
"Oikawa-san? With (y/n)-san?" a certain black hair guy asked in curiosity.

"No way! We should save (y/n) from that player!" the bald guy said again while looking determined.
"Yeah! (y/n) is one of our precious managers and we will never allow him to be with her!" the shortest one agreed.
"Hmm!" the orange hair guy nodded with a serious face.
"What should we do now, Tanaka-san? Nishinoya-san?" the black hair asked the other two.

"We should follow them!" both of them said together and the spying journey of those four started.

Reader pov

"Tooru! You only can treat me this? Manga? Should you be treating me the other merchandise too?" you asked him when you only get the manga of (your favourite manga) when you also want the merchandise that come from the same series of the manga.
"I bought you 5 volume of it, (y/n). Five!" he facepalmed.
"It's only 5 volume of it. Be grateful please, Oikawa Tooru. I only picked 5 volume from all volumes available there. What if I took all of them right now?" you smiled at him, threatening him.

"Urgh, how can I have a cousin like you? Fine! Choose any merchandise here that are below $15 combined! The manga itself was already out of my budget" you grinned when you heard he agreed with you.
"Thank you! You really are my cousin!" you hugged him before starting looking for the merchandise you have looked before.

When you looking for the merchandise, you heard someone clearing their throats. You looked at that person, thinking maybe that person wants something on the same shelves but that person really looks suspicious to you. That person just wearing a mask and a cap but the air around him is really weird for you.
"Sorry, excuse me" you bowed down a little to that person before walking away from there. 

You went to the other shelve that has the items you want to find but again you felt something wrong here too. You looked around you to find anything but you didn't.  You shrugged and continue choosing the items you want. 

"Miss, be careful with your boyfriend" you're shocked to hear someone saying something behind you. You looked around to see it but no one appeared in your sight.
"What happened? What is that? Why does that voice sound like Tanaka? What boyfriend?" you're dumbfounded for a second there before walking to Oikawa who is waiting for you at the cashier. But then, someone crashed with you. 

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