RS - The Locked Server

526 19 13

Word Count : 773

Warning : Depression, bullying and suicidal thoughts and an actual suicidal attempt.

A long time ago, there were Watchers and Vex's. The two races lived in harmony and shared power. Together they created entire worlds and systems.

One day, the Watchers approached the Vex's and spoke about a plan to create something more then just terrain. They wanted to create a living thing, something just like them.

Dispite minor disagreements, the two races created something. They called it, an Admin.

The Admin was a creation unlike any other. It could build, destroy and use a very odd kind of magic, something completely different to the Vex's and Watcher's own magic.

The Admin then created a living thing just like them, except this time with minor like magic. The Admin called these minor users of magic, Players.

The Watchers and Vex's both looked upon these new races with different emotions. The Vex felt threatened by the growing power and numbers. The Watchers were simply amused, they had grown cocky while the Vex had grown paranoid.

After a little while longer, the Vex and Watcher councel declared war on the Admin and its Player creations.

The Admin, being a creation of both Watcher and Vex alike, gathered its creations and created it's own army to protect their rights. Sadly the Admin's efforts were in vain as the Vex and Watcher numbers were far greater.

The two original races then gathered together once last time and used their magic to seal the Admin and its Players in a server. Placing a powerful void barrier in the way of their escape. No one leaves and those who enter can never go back.

According to the statistics, approximately 25 players were sealed within the server, along with the Admin themself. A portal was left in ruin. The portal appeared to be like an End Portal, but with different coloring. The portal now sits far from Watcher and Vex Civilization. It is said, that those who actively travel, seek and find the Forbidden Portal never return.

Grian had heard the stories. He had heard of the history. He knew it like the back of his hand. The young Watcher also knew of the people who have gone missing before him. He didn't care. He was sick of being here, he hated how others treated him. "They won't know that I'm even gone! They wouldn't care either." Grian thought grimly.

He could feel the portal magic from where he was now as he continued to scale the medium sized hill. "Wow. The magic in the portal is... powerful." Grian groaned slightly, feeling a headache come to him. "Just a little ways more. Then I'll no longer be a problem."

Upon reaching the top, Grian's head was pounding terribly. The young Watcher stumbled slightly, losing his footing a couple of times before reaching the mouth of the portal.

Grian stared into the portal before his vision suddenly went dark and he felt himself fall.




Once coming back around, Grian opened his eyes again. "Wait... I'm... alive?" He questioned before sitting up and taking a look at his surroundings. He then looked around where he was laying.

He had landed on a bed of flowers. They broke his fall and he survived.

Grian looked back up. "No going back now." Grian thought.

"Oh! You've fallen down here!"

Grian flinched and turned around, facing the thing that had spoke.

Standing behind Grian was a woman with brown hair and a pink jacket on with a white shirt and jean shorts. She stood slightly shorter than Grian himself. "Oh you poor thing! Are you ok? Are you injured?" The lady asked.

Grian hesitated before speaking. "I'm... fine. Is this your flower bed?" He asked nervously.

The lady gave him a smile. "Oh don't worry about those! I put those there so no person would get hurt if they fell into this place."

Grian sighed a sigh of a relief.

The lady then went up to Grian, helping him stand up. Her entire body felt cold but her expression and smile said otherwise. "Come, you must be hungry and tired from your trip. I can take care of you!"

Grian stood with the ladies help. He decided it would be best to not argue with a lady who had been sealed in this server and simply allowed the brown haired woman to tug him along.

"Don't worry, watcher, StressMonster101 has you covered!" She chirped.

Grian thought for a moment as StressMonster continued to pull him along. "Odd name for someone. Do all... things here have weird names like her?"


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