RS - The Artist

277 14 7

Word Count : 1365

Requested by : 11Mikirgy11

Warnings : Slight body horror, persona shipping- could be seen as platonic or just crushing, depends on the person.

I also only wrote with Grian and Mumbo because they are the two I am most comfortable and familiar with writing certain stories like this one.

Grian loves a lot of things- he loves his friends, he loves the color red and he loves drawing.

Grian just loves a lot of things, so why not just do everything he loves at the same time?

Grian stared up at Mumbo from his place on the ground. The mustached hermit had yet to akknowledge his presence but he couldn't have cared at this point.

Sitting in his lap was his very well used sketch padd and held in his dominate hand was the pen that went along with it.

All Grian had been doing was watching his black haired friend just wander and think. Shifing himself and his wings every now and then.

Mumbo was apparently adding a couple more mechanical and techy bits to his base, clearly very lost in whatever he was doing. Grian had lost track on how many times Mumbo just forgot about the rest of the server and just worked.

Maybe it was a bad thing, but for Grian- it gave him a chance to get a simple figure in a simple environment for one of his drawings.

Grian turned his eyes back down to his sketch padd and continued to add the finishing touches to his main outline. His large bird wings huddled close to him and kept him incircled within them.

"It needs... a... thing." Mumbo muttered, turning on his heel.

Grian blinked, pressing the lock button on the digital page he had finished before he added another layer to work overtop of it. He turned his head up and finally broke his silence.

"Needs what kind of thing?"

Grian bit back a smirk as he watched Mumbo jump a fair ways into the air and land firmly on a pile of shulker boxes he had laying out- yelping out in startlement.

Mumbo stayed in his shocked position with the same wide eyed expression before his big red eyes locked with Grian's.

"My gods, Grian," Mumbo gasped, placing a hand over his heart. "You scared the living daylights out of me."

Grian giggled. "Obviously." He replied, his wings shivering on their own like a muscle reflex.

Groaning, Mumbo clambered down from the shulker boxes he had sprung up on in his panic. "How long have you even been there?" He questioned, a lighter tone slowly replacing the startled and stressed one.

Grian paused and glanced at his wrist, then remembered he didn't have a watch and opted to shrug his shoulders instead. "Uh, I'm not sure. For awhile at least. Long enough for me to draw this."

With a smile, Grian held up his sketch padd and faced the screen towards Mumbo.

Squinting at the screen at first, Mumbo eventually brought himself to walk away from his base project and crouch down in front of his shorter hermit friend and get a good look at the line art.

"Whoa, you drew all of that from just watching me?" Mumbo asked, his red eyes shifting from the padd to Grian and locking eyes with him. Amazement laced his voice as he waited for his peer to answer.

Grian froze for a moment, feeling his heart skip a beat. Mumbo always did have such lovely and attractive eyes. A lot of the hermits did, but Grian always loved to watch Mumbo's the most.

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