RS - Among Us - Hermit Edition

393 16 24

Word Count : 1261

Warnings : Murder, death, strong language, description of death

Y'all heard of Among Us? The new game that's basically murder mystery for mobile?

Yeah ok so what if it was with the Hermits?

I'm going to try and do my best to do explain events in the story the best I can- I haven't exactly memorized maps cuz irl stuff- lol


Doc's eyes glared dangerously at everyone around the table. Or at least at everyone who was left. "One of us is a murderer. One of us killed the others and has tried to kill the rest of us by sabotaging our systems. It's going to end here and now."

Sniffles and depressed looking facial expressions were all that stared back at Doc.

They were all stranded on a fucking satellite in space and a comm to Houston back on Earth would take too long. And then a couple orbits around the planet later; a body is found.

Scar was the first member to be killed. The imposter had taken him out when he was at one of the wire boxes in the engie room.

Poor Mumbo was accused. The others were so close to having him ejected had it not been for Keralis jumping in to defend him.

Unfortunately, Keralis' assistance went in vain as Mumbo was found on the floor between a data pad and the navigations control with a stab wound to his back the very next day.

Ren was the one who found him.

After Scar and Mumbo were killed, it was Etho, followed by Impulse, TFC, Biffa, Ren, Zedaph and Iskall. All very strong people. The thought that the imposter was physically strong enough to kill very quick and pretty good hand to hand combatants; terrified the rest.

And yet still no imposter had been caught.

Doc stared down each remaining hermit.

Grian, Tango, Vintage, Keralis, Xisuma, Hypnotized, Bdubs, False, Stress, Cleo, and Joe.

"We can do this the easy way, or the hard way." Doc continued. "Which way do you all want to go."

Stress looked up at the creeper hybrid with puffy, red eyes. "What's going to be the difference." She questioned.

Xisuma gave a sharp look at Doc. "No. No one else is going to get killed. If we do figure out who the imposter is we'll give them a proper justice sentence. If we kill a killer then that just makes you just as bad as them."

Grian; who was already emotionally unstable since the first couple of deaths blurted out. "Look at the facts Doc! The Hermits that went down were all strong enough to defend themselves! Not many of us here could've over powered them except for you!" Jumping from his seat, Grian glared right back at Doc.

Tango shot a glare at Grian. "Oh shut up Grian. You're just as capable of killing them as Doc." He scolded.

Stress slouched in her seat, covering her ears with her hands and shutting her eyes tightly.

Joe gave a worried glance at Keralis before rising from his seat. "Now now, let's not fight, ok?"

False was sitting with one leg crossed over the other and her arms crossed over her chest. She glared accusingly at Joe. "What are you trying to prevent, Joe? A fight that would kill someone here so you can finish them off later?"

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