Horror Craft Deaths

689 12 5

Word Count : 980

Warning : Mentions of abuse, death, murder, abandonment and insanity.

This chapter I guess is just going to be a quick run down on how all the Heads and Proxies died and became the way they are going to be portrayed in this----- series.

Heads : Xisuma, Cub, Evil Xisuma 

Proxies : Wels, False, Hypno, xBCrafted, Mumbo, Biffa, Tango, Doc, Bdubs, Ethos, Ren, Impulse, 

Xisuma Void : Xisuma and EX both went to try and take on a mysterious force of energy- (cough cough- the Void- cough cough) -but they didn't even make the entire journey before the energy found them in Valley Hills. The energy turned the two against each other with Xisuma coming out victorious and imprisoning EX's soul and mind within his own. When the energy let Xisuma free, Xisuma took his own life, but his soul didn't rest. Now he walks the darkened forests of Valley Hills with EX constantly fighting with him.

Cubfan135 : Cub was a tourist seeking the thrills of Valley Hills so called ghost story that happened with Xisuma and EX. While traveling through the woods, he wanted to see if he could find Xisuma wandering around, but instead he found an old witch- (Cough cough- Cleo- cough cough) -who killed him and placed a curse on him which caused him to go insane and power hungry. His soul now also wanders the dark forests of Valley Hills, seeking for any unsuspecting victims to drain energy from.

Evil Xisuma : EX wasn't as dead as people thought he was. After losing his life to his own brother, along with half his mind and soul, EX's other half was reanimated out of pure hatred and vengeance. Its said that he preys on people who are seething with rage and violence.

Welsknight : Wels use to be a Hunter. Though he was taken out by Xisuma and turned into one of his best hunter proxies. Welsknight lost all ability to tell the different from right and wrong, only being able to tell what Xisuma thought was right and wrong. Good thing XisumaVoid has one of the better moral senses.

FalseSymmetry : False was a mere hiker traveling through the forest. She just simply crossed paths with Cubfan at a really bad time. Cub practically drained her life force from her and left her to die in the woods. But out of pure spite and strength, False survived. And she was hella pissed off. She wanders the dark forests of Valley Hills, seeking vengeance on the one that killed her and she doesn't care who else she has to kill in order to get there.

Hypnotized : Hypno was one of the poor souls who stumbled across Xisuma when he was incredibly unstable. Without meaning too, Xisuma killed him and so out of mercy, Xisuma resurrected Hypno and turned him into a hypnotic like Proxy who would lure victims in, putting them in a trance-like state when they looked at him for too long.

xBCrafted : A local builder that fell victim to False when he got too close to the forest edge. She dragged him in the brush and ended his life, then dragged his body to a not so empty Woodland Mansion. The left over magic trapped his soul, never letting him rest.

Mumbo Jumbo : Mumbo's parents unrightfully diagnosed him as a sociopath, then after two more years under Xisuma's influence and his parents abuse, Mumbo killed both his parents with a machete then followed Xisuma into the forest where he then took his own life and was turned into one of Xisuma's more passive proxies.

Biffa : Biffa was the first one to fall to EX. After EX was done with his kill, he left Biffa's body for False to drag away to the abandoned Woodland Mansion, not knowing that his powerful emotions would linger and create their own type of magic and trapping another poor soul with him.

TangoTek : Tango was the first proxy to be summoned by Cub. He exists to serve Cubfan only.

Docm77 : Doc was killed by a creeper hoard. When his soul didn't rest, Doc exacted his revenge on the people who didn't do a good enough of a job. The Valley Hills residents say that Doc lurks within the dark areas of a persons home before killing them in their sleep. The last thing people would see would be his mangled body and torn face and sharp creeper fangs.

Bdouble0100 : His uncle killed him in his sleep then brought his body out into the woods for animals to consume. Wanting revenge, Bdubs returned his uncle the favor as a ghost and purposely gave his uncle a heart attack, only to be trapped within the house he was killed in. He was rescued by Cub, who agreed to free him in return for being his proxy. Bdubs agreed to be Cub's proxy and provide him his services.

Ethoslab : Ethos was caught in a warehouse fire. His ghost was so pissed off at the people that looked him in the eye and then turned around to save themselves. He wanted revenge but he couldn't do it. His spirit was cursed to forever wander the dark and unlit areas of Valley Hills.

Rendog : Ren's father killed his dog. Ren in retaliation bludgeoned his father to death with a good sized rock. When horror struck in, he ran into the forest not knowing what to do. Cub found him and offered to hide him, but in return, Ren would have to become Cub's proxy. Ren agreed hesitantly and Cub killed him on the spot after his consent was given.

ImpulseSV : Impulse was Tango's first victim. Impulse was one of the only people to see Cub and live. Tango was sent after Impulse and succeeded in silencing him for good. Tango left Impulse's body within the Woodland Masion where Impulse's soul would become trapped with xBCrafted and Biffa.

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