RS - Best Boyfriend(s)

886 22 5

Word Count : 2140

Ships : Architect Poly, ZIT Poly and Doc/Bdubs/Ren poly

Warning : Mentions of a fight, mild violence, sex mention, poly relationship talk. Strong language.

Plot : I watched an Amazing World Of Gumball clip about Tobias, Darwin and gumball and banana joe all seeing who's mom was the best. So I decided why not do it with our Hermits? Except different twists and such.
Grian and Iskall both headed over to a small island somewhere far off from where most Hermits had traveled before. The two Architect's both had several things on their minds, such as proving why Mumbo Jumbo, their boyfriend was the best.

Tango and Impulse also had the exact same thing to prove, as well as Bdubs and Doc. The six had practically been at each others throats arguing over the statement when it had come up one night. But of course, they had kept it from their partners since they were innocent. Mumbo, Ren and Zedaph had no idea they were even meeting now a days to have small photo battles of images they had managed to capture of their partners and such.

Hell, the six even bet diamonds on this shit. Though none of them would ever admit that the competition of best boyfriend had gone too far.

As usual, Grian and Iskall both landed down on a fairly well sized island where Tango, Impulse, Doc and Bdubs were waiting.

"Gentlemen, are we ready?" Grian asked as soon as the others were in earshot.

Doc gave Grian a cocky looking smirk. "Of course."

Tango grinned. "Ready for anything you throw at us."

Impulse cut in, standing beside Tango with his arms crossed over his chest. "You all should just give up now. Tango and I got some good ones this time."

Bdubs merely laughed. "That's what you think!"

Iskall and Grian both joined the Mini circle. "Well-" Iskall started. "-Only way to find out is to start."

The six all then pulled out two stacks of photos each, then got ready to draw.

The categories were, cuteness, sexiness, badassness, innocence and sleepiness. BECAUSE THESE SIX ARE FUCKING DORKS DAMN IT

Immediately each pile was filled. Iskall and Grian both mainly placed their photos in sleepiness and cuteness, and some stray photos went into badassness.

Doc and Bdubs mainly placed their photos in innocence and cuteness, along with some stray photos going into sexiness.

Tango and Impulse placed their photos in almost every pile. But the majority of the photos went into badassness and sexiness.

Finally once all the photos of each boyfriend had been placed, the groups all started to discuss which photos stood out the most. Of course with the majority of the discussion being argumentative because they all went into  p r o t e c c  mode.

It was usually Doc, Iskall and Impulse being the most aggressive argumentative and Grian, Bdubs and Tango calming their partners down so a fight didn't break out.

This went on for another 3 hours, just picking and deciding which photos were the best. A top three for each of the contestants.

Person Switch
Ren had been working all day under the hot sun, so when he finally got a private chat from Zedaph asking if he wanted to hang out with him and Mumbo for awhile, Ren gladly dropped everything and went to the shopping district.

When he got there, Zedaph and Mumbo were both sitting at a picnic table, talking.

Zedaph then waved the wolf hybrid over. "Rendog, over here!"

Hermitcraft Oneshots and A.U'sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora