RS - A Dior-ite Situation

377 13 18

Word Count : 874

Warnings : A bit of language. A crack fic.


Nahhhh- I ain't letting this go Un-Sister-Fucking-Checked honey-

Oop- sorry, kinda blew up-

But I'm back! :D




Impulse was trotting down towards the shopping districts town hall. He was confused at why there were barricades in front of all his shops and he was hoping to find answers. He was confused and he was hoping that Scar wasn't trying to become a capitalist or something.

The Redstoner shuttered at the thought.

Reaching near the bottom of the stairs that towered up towards the town hall, Impulse spied a certain Swede.

With a smile, Impulse waved and piped up. "Hey Iskall!"

At first, the Swedish hermit didn't reply, but once it clicked, the man gave a weak smile and a mildly weak wave back. "Hey."

Walking up and meeting each other in the middle between the stairs and the Nether portal, Impulse took note of the exhausted expression Iskall wore.

"Hey dude. What's up? How you been? You look like you just came out from a stake out." Impulse commented.

Iskall gave a weak laugh. "Really? Oh man, Mumbo's gonna chew me out if my sleep schedule gets all haywired again."

The ZIT member shook his head. "He's just looking out for a brother."

Iskall scratched the back of his head, looking down sheepishly at his feet. "Mmgh... yeah. I guess."

With a mental sigh, Impulse put a hand on Iskall's shoulder. Looking the other hermit dead in the eye. "Just get some sleep. Then when you wake up you can burn diorite and continue on your Omega Base."

At that comment, Iskall cracked a stronger smile. "Heh... diorite is a cool block."

Impulse stopped, freezing on the spot.



Impulse took his hand off of Iskall's shoulder, mentally giving himself a sharp slap to the face. "Uh hey man- I gotta go. Talk to you later alright?"

With a look of confusion, yet without another word- Iskall walked towards the Nether portal and disappeared through it.

After Iskall fully disappeared; Impulse whipped out his communicator and opened a small private group chat.


Grian : What is it?!?

XisumaVoid : Huh???!


Ethoslab : Nani?????!

FalseSymmetry : Was that even Iskall?

Docm77 : Is there an intruder?

XisumaVoid : That sounds nothing like Iskall. Where did he go?

ImpulseSV : He just went through the shopping district portal. Idk what to do??? Help???

Mumbo Jumbo : He's probably going back to his Omega Tree.

Grian : Fuck, I'm in the upside down.

Mumbo Jumbo : I'm at my Industrial District. I'm not sure how fast I'll get there.

StressMonster101 : I can go.

ImpulseSV : I'll follow him.

XisumaVoid : Becareful. If this is an intruder we can't let them know we're on to them.

FalseSymmetry : I'll be there. Keep your heads on.

Impulse watched the others fill in the private chat. He then shut his communicator and redirected his route to the nether portal to follow the 'Swede'.

Time Skip
Popping through the Nether portal, Impulse immediately crouched onto the ground in Iskall's Omega Tree Base Of Doom.

The hermit in question was currently rummaging through some shulker boxes.

"And I told him to get some sleep." Impulse thought grummily before he quietly crept closer. He could hear firework rockets overhead. He watched as Iskall turned his head up to see who was flying down to pay him a visit.

"Oh, hallo Stress." Iskall greeted.

Stress, who was now standing in front of Iskall offered a smile and a wave. "Hey Iskall. Whatcha doing?"

Iskall shrugged, setting the lid back over his shulker box. "Oh just- boring stuff. Ya know. Sorting."

More firework rockets sounded over head. This time Impulse could tell that there were multiple Hermits approaching to land down.

Iskall looked up once again at the sound. "Uh... what's going on?"

Stress eyed the Swede suspiciously. Not saying a word.

Iskall; now most utterly confused looked at Stress. "Uhhhh... Stress?"

Before he knew it, a bunch of other Hermits landed down in his tree. Xisuma, False, Doc, Tango, Ethos, Mumbo, Grian- you name it. They were all there. Even Impulse came up from behind him from where his Nether portal was.

Iskall quickly took a peak at his tab before looking around cautiously at all the other Hermits. "Well... if I knew you'd all pop by I would've prepared something."

False then drew her sword. "Get him!" She shouted.

Iskall screamed as ALL the Hermits simultaneously lunged for him.



XDDDDD I started cracking up near the end- WHEEEEEEEZE----

Sorry sorry- xD

Anyways, I apologize for my minor absence, school is a pain.

But I've also been busy with another minor/major project that involves a zombie apocalypse adventure with the hermits. Or a choose your own adventure kind of story with the Hermits. But that required me to get an Archive Of Our Own account. Sooooo- yeah. I've been working on a bunch of stuff, but this upcoming kind of project I'm pretty excited for.


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