RS - Civil War

366 17 5

Word Count : 2088

Warning : War violence, death, blood, gore, strong language.

Plot : One final battle of capture the flag will determine which team wins the Civil War.

This of course is gonna have my own twist to it.

G Team - Grian, Cleo, Stress, Joe, Tango, Iskall, iJevin, Mumbo

Team Star - Doc, Xisuma, False, Impulse, Wels,

ConVex - Cub and Scar

Requested by - LoadingRobert


Grian watched his team gather on their side of the white flag that had been temporarily set up. The flag was there once again to show a sign of neutrality so both teams could talk safely with each other without being attacked before the end battle. Each G Team Member looked exhausted and tired. But so did their opponents.

Doc was staring Grian down when he spoke up. "Well, we're all here aren't we? Let's just get this battle on with then."

Grian frowned, his hand clenching around his iron sword. "By all means, take the flag down if you dare."

A pause.

Cub stood on a platform with Scar from a safe distance. With a flame bow in his hand, Cub looked at his partner. "Ready to see the show, partner?" He asked.

Scar looked over each member of both teams. "Indeed. Might as well make the burden of pulling down the flag easier on them."

Cub grinned, then pulled back his bow with the lit arrow, taking aim. "Let the best team, win."

Mumbo Jumbo was blown up by Cunfan135

ImpulseSV was blown up by Cubfan135

Zombie Cleo was blown up by Cubfan135

Air horns sounded as each team sprinted back to their bases, surprised or startled by the sudden explosions. Arrows flew, fire charges went everywhere. It was hell on the server.

The final fight had begun.

Person Switch
iJevin retreated back to the G Team Base wall, gasping for air from the sudden adrenaline spike. Joe was beside him, pulling out his bow.

The slime player looked at the poet. "Ready?" He asked, pulling out his iron sword. Adjusting his inventory and doing a quick check.

Joe straightened his glasses and nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be."

"Let's go." iJevin went to quickly sprint out again to face some of the other Team Star members.

"Wait! Jevin!"

The slime player stopped, turning back to see Grian. "Huh?"

"I need you both to do something different for me." Grian said, pulling out a potion from his hot bar.

Joe looked at his leader with a confused expression. "And what would that be?"

Person Switch
Impulse had respawned with a jolt of pain. Upon looking at the chat death messages he cursed to himself for ever thinking that the ConVex duo would ever side for peace.

Quickly going to the team chests he grabbed a bow, a sword, some food and some armor, putting it on before heading towards the floating llama shooter to meet Doc.

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