Horror Craft A.U concept

958 16 2

Word count : 324

(Horror Hermits? Creepy Hermits? Creepy Craft?) 

This story is similar to Creepypasta. So perhaps the Hermits will be listed under the following titles of : The Head, a Proxy, Victim and Hunter. There is only one head, meaning that there is only one boss for each proxy. The head can have as many proxies as she/he wishes for. There are also different proxy rankings and their rules and guidelines vary from Head to Head. The higher rank you are for as a proxy, the tougher missions you get sent out on. There are also different kinds of proxies which will be listed below. 

Head : The boss. The one who can mark other Creepypasta's and order them around, via trickery, capture, summon or by force or consent. 

Proxy : A follower. They only take orders from their Head. If they try to defy their boss the consequences can vary from extreme to deadly. There are also different ranks for proxies and different kinds of proxies for different jobs. So big, strong and scary looking proxies might take on tougher adults and such, while typically younger, smaller and more friendly looking ones take a more innocent approach. Proxy is just an overall term. 

Victim : A term to define whoever is marked for capture or death. And at times even someone for proxies to keep an eye on. Like for example if their target is more aggressive and stronger. But those types of people aren't considered Hunters. 

Hunter : This term identifies someone like a police officer, detective or active citizen searching for the Creepypasta's. They are counted when someone is always armed and when someone is known to be dangerous. Hunters are almost always left for the Head to deal with personally. 

Heads : Xisuma, Cub, Evil Xisuma 

Proxies : Wels, False, Hypno, xBCrafted, Mumbo, Biffa, Tango, Doc, Bdubs, Ethos, Ren, Impulse, 

Victims : Grian, Joe, Scar, Zedaph, Keralis, iJevin, Stress, 

Hunters : Iskall, TFC, Vintage, Python, Jessassin, Cleo, 

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