Bloopers - Hermit Heroes Version

647 23 16

Word Count : 1363

(Ok- this gets aggressively gayer at the end. I swear I did not mean to make it gay it just came out like that-)

(Please don't kill me- it's basically the Architect polyship since it's too cute for me to handle-)


Iskall swung his legs over the bed's side he was on, rubbing a kink in his neck to try and make it go away. "How-how long were we all out?" 

Stress merely shrugged her shoulders, giving a strained facial expression as if suppressing a wince. She pulled one of her arms defensively across her chest, not making eye contact with Iskall. "Well if I remember correctly, we started our battle around 4:17pm yesterday-" 

Iskall's eye nearly popped out of his head. "We were out for a whole day?! What time is it now?" The man quickly looked around to try and find a clock. 

Stress genuinely gets startled and jumps, her eyes going wide at the sudden shock as she places a hand over her heart. She starts to laugh as Iskall throws her a look with a grin creeping on his face.

"Did I scare you?" Iskall asks, trying to stop his grinning and mild laughter to no avail.


The ice hero jumped ever so slightly. "It's 10:43am." 

Iskall moved his hand that was on his neck to his head, sitting up straighter. "Oh my god. Great. Fantastic." He grumbled, dragging his hand down across his face. "My sleep schedule is so fucked now." 

Stress merely shook her head. "Language, Iskall." 

Iskall threw a gesture at Stress before carefully standing up on his feet.

Stress then dramatically gasps, placing both hands over her cheeks and squishing them together to make a fish face.

Iskall immediately breaks, placing his hands on his knees and curls over in attempts of keeping his laughter in.

The camera then pans to the right where Mumbo and Doc are both waiting. The two are just cracking up.

Mumbo then speaks up. "Can we please do a different scene? These two are never going to make it!"

The room erupts in laughter.


Iskall had watched the other Hermits enter into the base; when Grian had entered back in, the other had immediately scanned the room in search for Iskall and Mumbo. Once his head turned fully in Iskall and Mumbo's direction, he quickly took off over to them. 

As soon as he got close to the directed cue to slide to his knees, Grian slipped and mostly stumbled over to the other two, landing on his chest next to them. "Ack!"

Iskall shut his eyes, grinning as a couple chuckles escaped from him. "Damn it Grian."

Mumbo simply hid his face more into Iskall's chest, trying to muffle the sounds of his laughter so he didn't start a laugh attack.

Grian sighed dramatically before getting up to redo the scene. "I had it, I just slipped." He announced, a couple more chuckles lifting into the air.

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