RS - RLCraft

407 15 0

Word Count : 1532

Warning : Self hate, down talk, abandonment, mentions of betrayal and someone running away.


The crunching of grass filled the air with heavy breathing accompanying it. Weaving through the trees with a stone sword in hand a young man sprinted through the ever chilling night.

Faint hisses from creepers emerged from the silence of the dark when the man got too close, but they didn't explode. They didn't reveal the man's position.

The young man kept sprinting. Reaching the top of the tall hill he could feel the dryness in his throat from lack of water but he didn't dare to stop for a drink.

Breathing heavily, the young man stopped and looked over his shoulder, he could still see the small light from the torches. "I'm still not far enough." He thought before taking off down the hill again.

The young man kept running.

And running.

And running. Far, far away from his old civilization and far from the place he once was able to call home.


Awakening with a jolt, Grian shot up from where he had collapsed last night. His torch had gone out but luckily the sun was rising just over head to allow him to see.

He had ducked into a cave and spent the night in it with the light of a couple torches around him keeping him warm.

Eventually Grian stood up and gathered his burned out torches and placed them back in his inventory before gathering up his sword from the ground and hesitantly walking out of the cave he had taken refuge in; still obviously stiff from the tough rocky floor the cave offered.

Feeling the warmth of the sun, Grian stretched himself out before pulling out his compass and heading further north west. "Gotta keep going. Have to leave." Grian told himself, setting his pace as the sun continued to rise over his server.

For days and nights on end, Grian walked. Traveling further and further away.

His destination? The Far Lands.

They said they didn't wanna see him anymore. They said it straight to his face, so now they won't. They won't ever find him there. He wouldn't bother anyone again, wouldn't be a problem, a nuisance a pain. None of it. Not anymore.

Footsteps were now the only thing Grian could hear. Footsteps.





Steps towards the edge of his server.

Time Skip
Grian could feel his body failing him as the world started to glitch out around him. He could feel himself start to slowly fall apart before pulling itself together again, allowing him to continue his march towards the Far Lands.

The glitches continued and Grian kept on treading on.

Grian turned his head up once again to take in his surroundings before feeling himself fall apart again, unable to pull himself back together again. He was so weak, so numb, so heartbroken and so cold.

Grian felt his body continue fall into a void like area, feeling the glitches more intensely, like it had a heartbeat. Had he not had been so exhausted, Grian would've taken the time to try and understand how the Void had managed to pull him in and how it felt so alive and so active, but he didn't. He just let the Void take him as he closed his eyes, pull him down and away from the world he had known for so long.

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