Hermitcraft Headcanons - #2

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(List of the hermits for people, but mostly myself)
Mumbo, Cleo, Zedaph, Ethos, Doc, Ren, Seilf1, Cub, Scar, Keralis, Jessassin, Stress, iJevin, Hypno, Tango, Python, Grian, Joe, Bdubs, Wels, Iskall, xBCrafted, False, Vintage, Biffa, Impulse, Xisuma 

Heights of the Hermits
Well the four tallest Hermits in this exact order would be ----- TFC, Mumbo, Doc and then Xisuma.

The shortest Hermits in this exact order going up in height would be ------- Stress, Grian, Scar and Ren.

Middle height Hermits going from shortest middle heighted hermit to the tallest middle heighted hermit would be ----- False, Tango, Iskall and then Keralis.

All the other Hermits ---- Cleo, Zedaph, Ethos, Cub, Jessassin, iJevin, Hypno, Python, Joe, Bdubs, Wels, xBCrafted, Vintage, Biffa and Impulse ---- would fit in between being shorter and being middle heighted or middle heighted and tall.

Strength of the Hermits
Now don't get me wrong, all the Hermits are going to have enhanced super human strength. It's just that some Hermits have more enhanced strength due to past experiences.

Now strength is only going to represent physical strength. Physical strength as a whole will also represent how good the Hermits are at Pvp as well.

Some of the stronger Hermits in this exact order from strongest going down are ---- Xisuma, False, Doc, TFC, Grian and Iskall.

Some of the more average strengthed hermits going from weaker to stronger in this exact order are ---- Cub, Joe, Cleo, Mumbo and Wels.

In this no hermit is weak, they just don't have enough experience or show signs of much physical strength as some of the others.

Intelligence of the Hermits
Now no hermit is stupid, come on. All of them have a vast intelligence spanning across different areas of knowledge. Some Hermits just show more signs of intelligence than others.

Some of the more intelligent Hermits going from smartest down are ------ Xisuma, Cub, Mumbo, Doc, Joe and Bdubs.

Some of the more average intelligent Hermits going down and slowly making it's way up are ----- TFC, Grian, Wels, Stress and Iskall.

Again, no hermit is stupid, some hermits just show more knowledge than others.

Most innocent hermits?
Going from most innocent up? Here's a few of them. And they are like, the bottom Hermits on the list, meaning they are pure and innocent.

Scar, Mumbo, Stress, Ren, and Xisuma. Leave these poor innocent children alone I swear to the lord-

Most sinful Hermits going from least sinful to most sinful. These hermits are all near the top of the list starting from the bottom going up.

Cub, Python, Grian, Iskall, Bdubs, Tango and Doc. These sinful bois-

Clumsy Hermits
Going from the top of the most clumsy list and going down some people. Yeah, these Hermits all rank extremely high on this list.

Mumbo and Xisuma are tied, Scar, Ren, Stress, Joe, Tango and Bdubs.

Most Tired Hermits
Pretty much it's the Hermits who act like parents to all the other younger ones. Going from the top of the list and a little ways down.

Xisuma, TFC, Cleo, Iskall, Doc and Wels. Please let these mature Hermits take a nap dang it-

Most Bizzare Sleep Schedules
This one will count which Hermits can't take care of themselves without someone forcing them to get rest or eat. They either forget or they don't notice until their almost starving to death. This goes from the top of the list and works it's way down a bit.

M u m b o, Joe, Grian, Python, Stress and Ethos.

Alright I'll leave these headcanons here for y'all. Again, if you have requests or even dares for your favorite Hermits don't be afraid to comment them down!

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