Gunner Craft Domination Lines #2

314 6 1

Word Count : 419

Domination Voice lines
XisumaVoid version

Top quotes are Xisuma's lines

Bottom quotes are the Hermits replies when they get revenge.

Tank / HP
Wels : " Power vs Hp? Who wins? Power apparently."

"Fight a tank without all your magic, then we'll talk."

Iskall : "Tell Mumbo I say hi back at respawn aye?"

"No, tell him yourself, traitor."

Seilf1 : "Sorry dad. But you got to keep up."

"Son, you've got a lot of missing discipline. Allow me to teach you some more."

False : "Honestly, I don't know why I was so worried about you."

"It should've stayed that way, really."

Ethos : "You've lost shadow warping privileges."

"And now you've lost life privileges."

Tango : "Lord! You're like a mosquito, so annoying."

"Care for me to indulge you some more?"

Bdubs : "nHNo." 

"Really? Bringing up that? No."

Biffa : "Pardon me Biffa, you were in the way. No hard feelings right?"

"You've got a lot of explaining to do during ceasefire!"

Impulse : "Boom goes the boomer!"

"If I explode, I'm taking you with me!"

Doc : "Was that all you got? I'm feeling insulted."

"Hungry for more?"

Xisuma : "Another clone? Really?"

"Obviously I'm not the clone here."

Zedaph : "Down you go, devil."

"Devil? Please, I prefer Death."

Ren : "Down goes the Sith Lord!"

"Just join the dark side."

Python : "Are you, Doc, Iskall, Biffa and Cleo going to create the detachable arms club soon?"

"Enough with the arm jokes!"

Cleo : "Even on hard mode zombies are still pretty weak."

"Good thing I'm not totally a zombie."

Mumbo : "Yikes! Sorry! I'll let you get even!"

"My apologizes, X! But Ithink we're even again!"

Keralis : "How many times are people doing to mispronounce my name or just completely say something different?"

"What are you talking about Shashwammy?"

iJevin : "Can I squish you?"

"No, weirdo!"

xBCrafted : "xB what are you doing?"


Stress : "Love the crown Stress!"

"Take it cold."

Hypno : "Fancy meeting you here."

"Yeah, my thoughts exactly."

Scar : "How is Jellie?"

"Don't even think about it."

Grian : "You've still got much to learn, Grian."

"You could use a refresher."

Vintage : "Down with the nHo!"


Attack Power
Cub : "Curses? Really? That's easily fixable!"

"Death is always the easiest option to get rid of a curse."

Joe : "Sorry Joe, but you were on the wrong side."

"Are you sure it's not you who's on the wrong side?"

Jessassin : "Why can't we just get along, Jess?"

"Drop the magic, then we'll talk."


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