RS - Youngest, Smartest, Tallest

952 20 1

Word Count : 1249

Season 1 : Xisuma, Biffa, Hypnotized, Keralis, Jessassin, Joe

Season 2 : Cleo, Mumbo, TFC, False, Tango, iJevin, xBCrafted

Season 3 : Impulse, Doc, Python, Ethos,

Season 4 : Cub, Iskall, Scar, Ren, Wels, Vintage,

Season 5 : Zedaph, Stress, Bdubs

Season 6 : Grian

As soon as Xisuma stepped through the portal, he could tell the shorter figure beside him was already nervous. All the new faces and actually being on a populated server was going to be an adjustment for the guy.

The Admin turned and glanced down at his little friend. "Hey, don't worry. All these guys are really nice." He confirmed.

The young one merely held onto Xisuma's hand tighter and hid behind him.

The group of brand new hermits were standing around, talking with some of the older members. Chatting and smiling and getting to know each other. X smiled and cleared his throat, hoping that they would include his little friend as well. "Ahem, may I have your attention please for a moment?"

The crowd stopped talking, all turning and looking at their Admin.

With a smile hidden behind his mask, Xisuma spoke. "I would like to introduce you to the final new member of hermitcraft!" He said.

The others all perked up in excitement.

Xisuma then turned and glanced back at his friend. "Its ok Mumbo, they aren't that scary." He whispered.

After a brief pause, a small and scrawny looking kid stepped out from behind Xisuma. Looking up at the crowd. The small boy had a vest on with white long sleeves on for an undershirt and he had black shorts on and small black dress shoes on his feet. He had black messy hair and red colored eyes.

Cleo was the first to speak up, kneeling down at the kid's level. "Hi! Aren't you just an adorable little thing?"

False then soon joined Cleo in squatting at the little boy's level. "What's your name sweety?" She asked politely, smiling innocently.

The little boy looked at the two women in front of him, he looked down sheepishly before speaking up. "I'm Mumbo Jumbo."

Xisuma's heart warmed at the interactions. This kid will get along perfectly with them all.

Xisuma later found out that Mumbo was an absolute genius. From Tango telling him how Mumbo helped fix one of his farms to Mumbo actually helping X out with one of his own Redstone contraptions.

Time Skip
To say that X was furious was a complete understatement. He was at a point where words could no longer describe his anger. Or at least not in an appropriate manor.

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