RS - Multiverse trials

351 15 0

Word Count : 1526

Plot : A godly like judging area. Like in Harry Potter where Harry gets tried and where Umbridge gets tried. Except the judges are the Hermits who ran for mayor in the mayoral race.

Aka - Doc, False, Scar, Mumbo, Stress and Joe.

These judges will have masks on over their faces with distinct features to recognize who is who.

I.E = Doc will have his robotic eye left out of his mask, False will have circles drawn around her mask's eyes, Scar will have a mask kind of littered with scratches, Mumbo and his mustache, Stress would have ice tears running down from her mask's eyes and Joe would have squares drawn around his mask's eyes.

They would trial people who were accused of something huge. Aka massive server crimes or massive wrongdoings. So I guess you could all this a Judger's Trial A.U or something.

The Hermits who assisted the mayors, or helped them campaign would be a secondary court, or a backup court. They would do their best to try and convince the main court to change their minds about their rulings, if they were in a good mood.

This backup/second grace court would consist of - Tango, Bdubs, Grian, Iskall and Ren.

The Second Grace Court would be all over the place. They can argue, they can whisper into Iron Court Member's ears about certain things. They are not masked and their faces are not obscured, there is no need to hide their faces because they don't have final judgement.

Hermits who kind of watched the Mayoral Election go by would be similar to an audience.

The Hermit and Harold's would be documentors of each court event. Each interference by the Second Grace Court and each ruling the Iron Court made and to who.

Place's each Iron Court judge usually takes
Merciful Rulings - Scar and Stress

Fair Rulings - Mumbo and Joe

Harsh Rulings - Doc and False


Grian had heard of this Void Court. According to many this was the place where those who got sent to hell end up for permanent placement. For other's this was a chance of beriding an enemy of a people.

So now to be a Second Grace Court member and actually be in the court room where people get trialed for server wide accusations was a life long question now finally answered.

His first trial as a Second Grace was a player accused of attempting to create an Error Storm within his home server to rule over it.

A harsher ruling judge, Grian remembered his name to be Doc, had commented before the trial, this- "Typical trial events, new guy. You'll see these kinds of accusations a lot. Don't worry, you'll get use to it. Besides, your Second Grace. You follow no rules."

Grian had absolutely taken this seriously. He knew he didn't follow the rules the Iron members did. Meaning he could possibly screw over anyone by just planting an opinion into an Iron Member's head.

Currently, Grian was waiting for the trial to actually start.

Near the portal to the court room were all the Iron Members. All dressed and ready.

One of the Grace members, Iskall, Grian recalled, spoke up. "See you all out there in 5."

One of the taller Iron Member's turned and gave a thumbs up in response. This Iron Member had red colored in eyes with a black mustache painted on their mask. They wore a dapper looking suit, something that some of the others kind of lacked.

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