Over-Hermit Acadamia A.U Concept

406 11 17

Word Count : 2452

- Quirk -
Quirk Description
- Flaws/Checks/Balances 

A lot of the Hermits have powerful quirks that assist them. And they are also very heavily balanced out or nerfed. You'll understand why in a bit. That's why it took a bit longer for this concept chapter to come up. I was trying to think of proper nerfs while trying to keep everyone balanced.

Note : Some hermits are meant to have stronger quirks than others. For plot reasons and because of what they represent.

- Colossus -
TFC can turn into a colossus and he can even summon a colossus to aid him. These colossus' aides are like holographic clones of TFC.
- Turning into a colossus is easy, but it limits his maneuverability. And summoning colossus aid takes a lot of energy. And by nature, Colossus' don't like to work with others. So by literal nature, TFC finds it difficult to work with others. He has a short fuse and has a very snappy like attitude. 

- Command Magic 5 -
Xisuma has two pairs of large sized bee wings which allow him to fly. His magic is also very powerful, it gives him the ability to basically summon anything he wants. He can control a day and night schedule and he can rearrange area/terrain placement. X also has slightly enhanced senses.
- Command magic is very very hard to master and use, it requires a lot of stamina and it requires a fairly high intelligence. Xisuma can only summon things that he knows really well, such as a sword or a very basic pistol. He can't summon anything overly complicated and it can only be a certain size. And his slightly enhanced senses only cause him sensory overloads from time to time. 

- Jinx Magic -
Grian has a pair of large purple wings which give him the ability to fly. He has the ability to jinx anyone's words to make it become a bad luck reality and he can fire purple flames from his hands as a projectile.
- The purple flames that Grian can fire burn him which scar his hands and arms. His jinx quirk can only do minor things, such as cause someone to trip or for someone to bump into them. 

- Karma Magic -
Cub has a pair of imp looking wings which he can fly with. His quirk gives him the upper hand in fights, especially when there are others with him to back him up.
- His karma magic only works in a very specific way. Karma comes to those who dare hurt one of his friends while his other friends are still standing. Cub's magic gives others a boost in whatever their quirk is, but it simply drains him of his own energy, not to mention his personality makes him distasteful to others who first meet him and are unfamiliar with him. 

- Jester Magic -
Scar has a pair of imp looking wings like Cub which he can fly with. His jester magic gives him a wide variety of spells to cast out at opponents, such as the basic elemental spells, like fire, ice, earth and water.
- Scar has to memorize all his spells and he has to memorize hand gestures as well to cast the spells properly which can be difficult for him. 

- Paladin Summoner -
Wels can heal others with practically a wave of his hand. He can summon a sword and shield and he can summon holographic clones of himself to aid him in battles.
- Summoning clones takes energy/stamina. Otherwise he's almost a normal human like a handful of the other hermits. 

Joe Hills
- Poets Tongue -
Joe can speak in rhythm and rhyme to increase will, hope, strength, ect. He's a huge team player and he can greatly turn a battle in favor for his allies.
- Joe has to memorize every rhyme he speaks. If he stutters or if his speaking is cut off by someone, whatever chant he was trying to do will backfire to an extent. Either creating a force wall that would shoot allies back or straight up expositions. 

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