Hermit Heroes - #4 - Civil War

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Word Count : 1607

Warning : Strong language, minor violence.

Plot : The heroes have been approached by governments across the planet about recent attacks that left thousands of civilians without homes and hundreds more dead. The pressure from the governments has begun to weigh down on many of the heroes, causing many of them to go into hiding or quit entirely.

Though some weren't satisfied.


I'm feeling major Justice League and Avengers Civil War vibes at the moment and I felt like making a super hero story again.

This also is because the Hermits are having a Turf War in the shopping district and I got major flashbacks to Season 5 and 6-

Here's a challenge. Try to guess which hero goes with which hermit. Some of them are obvious, some of them aren't. Also some of the heroes names are still the same from previous chapters.

But let's see who/what you remember without going back.

The world was afraid. It was left trembling and backed into a corner.

The heroes they had looked up to to protect them were no better than the villains they fought.

The hero Boulder had seemingly disappeared without a trace.

The Admin was forced to stop by the public's constant pressure.

The Necromancer had gone back into hiding. Along with the majority of other heroes.

Some heroes refused to give up. While some gave in to the the government pressures to assist only them.

The Watcher, was one of the few heroes that refused to give up.

Currently, Watcher was seated within a darkened cave, sitting beside him was the Jangler, FireStar, Bolt, Frost, Radioactive and Reaper. The seven of them were sitting around a circle table, trying to brainstorm plans or ideas. All of them wanted to keep helping the world, but all unregistered super humans were arrested on sight if they tried to defend the cities they once protected.

"So run this again. Which heroes are working with the government?" Radioactive started.

"The Hound, Poet, Paladin are all confirmed heroes working with the government." Reaper replied. "Possible heroes working with the government are Fang, Butcher, Dubstep and Trickster."

"What about hidden heroes that haven't been forced out or arrested?" Frost asked, her arms crossed over her chest as she sat with one leg crossed over the other.

This time it was Watcher's turn to speak up. "Hidden heroes or forced out heroes are the Admin, Hunter, the Necromancer, Reaction and Amber."

Bolt turned his head to the winged hero. "Reaction? I thought he joined the government?"

Jangler visibly flinched, his arms twitching underneath his cloak. "What? Did he? I thought he was still put out."

FireStar shook his head. "No, he's for sure still in hiding with the Hunter. That's who he was with last. I think..."

"No, Hunter was arrested two months ago."

"Has anyone heard from Plague lately?"

"Stars it's been so long. We've hardly checked up on all the other in hiding heroes."

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