Modern Mob School - #2

290 17 4

Word Count : 1564

Warning : Bulliessss

"So, is that a real mustache?" Tyler questioned.

Grian shot the guy a look. "Bro you don't just ask that to people."

"Uh... yes, it is real. I have weird genetics." Mumbo replied meekly, looking down at the table.

Taurtis, wanting to make the conversation less uncomfortable, asked the next question. "I've-I've never seen anyone with red eyes. Were you born with them like that?"

"Yes. I was born with a natural red eye color."

Thomas chuckled. "Dude, you know how many edgy emo kids would be so jealous of you?"

Mumbo gave a light laugh, smiling slightly as Peter asked another question. "So MJ, can I call you MJ? What had you and your family move here for?"

The mustached student paused before replying. "My family and I moved here because we originally got kicked out of our old place. So we scraped up what we had and moved. I'm glad we did though, the place we were in wasn't the best."

Grian watched Mumbo's facial expressions carefully. The guy made a lot of easy to read expressions which was nice in an observers perspective. "Where are you living now? Just in town or..?"

MJ chuckled, looking at Grian. "Oh boy, it'd be way louder if my family lived in town. No, we live 10 miles out, just between the county borders."

Grian blinked. "Really? Huh... you get to school fast then."

Mumbo gave an innocent looking smile. "Its a talent I guess."

Tyler shook his head. "Speaking about school. Why are you in school? People say your a genius."

Mumbo looked at Tyler. He chuckled nervously. "What? Pe-people are saying that? Really?"

Taurtis gave Tyler a look before looking back at the other black haired student. "Yeah, is it true that you've graduated several times?"

The red eyed student stuttered for a response, looking back down at the table. "Well... I-I..."

Grian cleared his throat abruptly. "Ok moving on." Grian gave sharp looks at the others before continuing. "Mumbo, how are you enjoying our school so far?"

MJ looked back up slightly. "Your school is very nice. The students are fairly nice for the most part and the teachers are pretty friendly. The school itself holds up to what it promises, which is nice..."

Grian watched Taurtis' face light up at the praise of their school. "So when are we going to tell Mumbo about the bully in the school?" Grian questioned mentally to himself as the conversation with the new kid continued and as the challenge strided forward.

Time Skip
Now back in school, Grian was heading to his class, trying to mind his own business. Taurtis was following swiftly beside him.

"Hey! Short stuff!" A voice called out.

Grian internally screamed, just wanting to get to his damn class. He also knew the voice from anywhere. "Nelson." He angrily addressed, stopping. He could practically feel Taurtis' dread.

Nelson, the toughest and meanest kid in school was coming up. "What's with the tone, short stuff?" He asked, his buddies laughing and chuckling behind him.

Grian turned towards him, putting on his blank and dead inside facial expression. He didn't reply.

Suddenly someone else had come up and stood on the other side of Grian. "Sorry, who are you?"

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